Battle Of Marineford

5/6/2019by admin
Battle Of Marineford Rating: 4,5/5 3008 votes

Was the Marineford War an epic fail for the Marines? (self.OnePiece) submitted 3 years ago by walterwhiteredmption. And Marineford/Mariejois would be much more vulnerable to a successive attack from Big Mom or Kaido. If that happens, the WG is done and the world overall is at the mercy of power-hungry pirates. So I picked up Pirate Warriors 1 after a few months and played the Marineford chapters. I'm hoping the Gum-Gum QTE, as well as others, return in Pirate Warri. Dec 27, 2016 - Whole Marineford, no for a moment it seemed the entire world. Under mere minutes, the battle became too chaotic to be traced anymore.

Thank you for reading my fanfic and giving me a chance.

My mother language is not English, so please be patient about the grammatical issues.

I don't own the Overlord(オーバーロードŌbārōdo?) novel or anime series created by Kugane Maruyama.

I don't own the One Piece, anime and manga series illustrated by Oda Eiicsiró.

Please review it I know I will make mistakes what I will intend to correct and try to learn from my mistakes and improve myself.

Forza horizon 2 online play. Thank you!

Now let's continue our little story!

'How this is all happened? The gates of Justice supposed to close!'

Still wondered Sengoku as he glared at his longtime nemesis, Edward Newgate, aka Whitebeard.

But he can't wonder much longer because a high pitched voice disturbed his train of thoughts.

'Hey! Pops! Your moustache is so cool!'

Reverberated the voice of the white-uniformed youngster through the crescent-shaped bay.

Every camera, every person, every gaze nailed at her.

Every device, be it organic or inorganic recorded how her voice declares the most likely death of the old age and the opening of the new era of piracy.

Whitebeard, who firmly held his bisento, raised his brow, staring cluelessly at the strange girl whose uniform strangely resembled of the Marines, yet, completely different.

Watching her a few moments, the clues who she might be started to surface in his mind…

The new member of the Supernovas, the one the people speaking nowadays, the one who according to the news crashed Marineford beforehand. Hitting the Navy where it hurts the most!

What she is doing here, he had no idea.

But according to the old man, there are two possible answers to that question.

One, she captured by the Marines and will be executed like Ace.

But that was very unlikely considering she was not chained like his beloved son.

The second option was… she sided with the Marines, became one of the Royal Shichibukai.

In that case, she will fight, that means she became the dog of the Marines, and she is there as a safety measure.

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He needs to be genuinely cautious when he clashes with her, no.. His life does not matter..

The future belongs to the younger generations; he needs to take care his sons not meet her blade before he gained enough information about her.

According to the news, the girl is a real monster taking the form of a beautiful mermaid, and the report does not exaggerate.

Her looks really are something, even watching her from this far with his old eyes he can approve those reports.

'Angel! What are you doing!?' whispered the Fleet Admiral nervously, giving a stern glare at the Shichibukai candidate.

'Of course, just adoring the fine facial hair of the fine gentleman before us, or it is out of bounds, ah… Sengoku-kun?'

Ace looked up in disbelief. The nearby Marines jus gulped nervously, how she could use such a casual tone when speaking with the Golden Buddha?

Speaking with him in such tone in the best case counted as insubordination, in the worst as treachery.

'Stand down! This is not the time or the place of such childish game! Just stand ready, we may need your strength.'

'Hmph…' white scoffed. 'You are ruining my fun; you are such a spoilsport. But fine, I just enjoying my heavenly food, the delicious sunny day and the upcoming battle. I hope it will be exciting! I hope my boredom don't overcome meee…'

Her elongated last word and her chuckle were disturbing, no… it was the strange light in her eyes those frightened the veteran Marine commander. The sudden flash that told Sengoku about the bloodthirst laid dormant behind the beautiful mask of Angel.

For a moment, it frightened him…

Meanwhile, the two of them conversed, Whitebeard made his opening step.

Hitting the air heavily, the space seemed to crack around his fists. White fractures started to appear in the area where the Yonko raised his fist.

For a few moments, nothing happened… what came next made even Angel awe in adoration.

Whole Marineford, no… for a moment it seemed the entire world seemed to change space, the entirety of creation trembled under the feet of the island.

Water, vast walls of water emerged, and the whole island seemed to change angle as the liquid death around it changes angle rapidly. Answering the distant call of Whitebeard's powers.

The call of the Strongest Man in the World… he, who possessed the power to destroy the world showed his real potential.

'Whoahh! Pretty!' Angel clapped her hands, applauded the grand design. Everyone stumbled, struggled to stand on their feet as the quake ran through the environment.

The ability indeed resembled the ability of Mare, [Earthquake]. It was not only useful in the dry land, but its effectiveness really showed when used in the open sea. No fleet can get away uncrushed.

She experienced it firsthand when once the Dark Elf druid used his powers to sink a whole fleet easily by merely generating a tsunami with an earthquake.

Like a happy child who just opened her Christmas gift under the tree, Angel's double coloured oculars shone in adoration.

'Prepare yourself! Whitebeard has the powers to destroy the world! Do not act recklessly!' announced Sengoku, warning his subordinates.

'Whoa! So cool!' Angel wondered, making Sengoku feel uncomfortable, Ace just give a small smile, remembering his father great strength and compassionate nature.

The Fleet Admiral does not have to give the order, Kuzan immediately jumped in action.

'Ice Age!' ice shoot out from the Marine Admiral's hands.

Turning the world white, freezing thickly not only the surface of the water in the crescent-shaped bay but every colossal rising wave those headed towards the ford endangering its very existence.

Angel pondered for a moment, the ability not generated ice magical in nature, and she felt no magic radiating from it. That means heat can easily melt it. Nonetheless, it was an impressive achievement only Ainz's area effect Super Tier magic can top.

These devil fruits first might seem the end product of a faulty design, but some of their capabilities were still impressive. Sometimes even rivalling the skills of a tier ten, ability or spell, or even a Super Tier ability.

She needs to get her hands a few of them after this is all over, she will find the fault and sub-edit it!

Her inner, mad scientist boiled and cracked to dissect such beauty!

Her zealous demonic self-watered just to dissect a living person with such ability and find out its inner working! Their whispers grow stronger with each passing moments… But their screams will sheath the demon and calm the angel inside her triplet soul.

The dark side who grow stronger and stronger with each passing seconds… as well her angelic side pushes the boundaries of her subconsciousness moment after moment to show some mercy those pitiful creatures.

It was her fight, the fight that she battled since she became what she is now.

A creature with three souls inside one body.

A pure, white, divine being, an unclean, corrupted, dark existence darker than the most sombre night, a demon, and the remains of her human self who struggled day by day to remain in control over the two personalities.

The duo who only want to dethrone her from her imaginative throne.

It was tiring, sometimes, day by day she considered simply giving up and fall into a never-ending sleep. She really needed a good rest.

Looking up from her sudden sombre, the girl continued to inspect the battle.

Aokiji's relentless assault continued, forming ice spears sending towards Newgate.

'Guahhh!' with a single swing with his weapon that was imbued with his great power. Whitebeard not only shattered the air but Aokiji as well.

The Admiral for a moment forced to turn himself to ice, then rematerialize after the force behind the attack dissipated, landing in a somewhat safe distance from the Yonko.

It takes a few seconds, even for him, his whole body shattered, fractured from the attack.

Aokiji reformed himself at the edge of the bay and uses his powers to freeze it as well. With the harbour now frozen, Whitebeard's ships cannot move, and the Marines begin to bombard them with cannon fire.

'Fire! Fire! Fire!' shouted an officer, ordering his subordinates to rain death onto the pirates.

'Charge!' Whitebeard gives the command, and his call has been answered.

Hundreds upon hundreds, no… more than thousands strong pirate landed on the ice, begin their relentless advancement towards the execution platform. The first ones who meet their steel were the Vice Admirals and the Marines under them.

Under mere minutes, the battle became too chaotic to be traced anymore.

The whole thing was a mess. Many people, different people… all kind of weaponry, close ranged, long ranged, sidearms and devil fruit powers clashed with each other. Injuring, ending the lives of each other. The battle reached a new, chaotic level!

This was once sad and very inspiring, seeing all that struggle, all that suffering, all that death.

Every ordinary people would be horrified; every warmonger would be turned on… there was no real winner…

Ace just gasped, all of them, they are here… all of them!

Everybody was here, every past comrade, every rival, even his friends. A few tears left his eyes, slowly rolling down his freckled cheeks.

He was a man, yet, now he can't hold his tears, he cared not someone might see him cry. He was touched.

'Ow! Ow! Ow! There are a lot of them… want a handkerchief?' Angel turned to Ace recognising his watering eyes, asked in a compassionate tone.

Ace does not answer for a moment, just watching how his comrades fight in his stead.

Deep inside, he was happy, so many are here for him.

His other side berated himself for his powerlessness. He hated himself because of his cursed legacy. He wanted to deny, he wanted to renounce Roger as his father, and he will do so, his only father was Whitebeard, no one else!

Suddenly he felt a soft feeling, like someone wiping away his tears. Looking at his side, it was Angel.

He does not understand, what is she planning? Is she just playing with him? Is she wants to lull him into one last delusion before his death? Or she really cares about him? The cursed child? A completely stranger for her?

Ace doesn't understand; he was confused…

But thinking of it, not as it mattered anymore, it felt nice someone actually caring him… even when he will soon die. He only wished he could somehow save his friends, his family.

'Here you go…' Angel soothed him with a friendly smile, wiping away the last droplet of the tear.

Finishing barking orders, Sengoku gave a strict glare at Angel.

'Angel! What the hell are you doing!? I hope you are not planning something that we might all regret!'

'Oh! What do assume from me? Eh? Sengoku-kun? You assume a harmless damsel like me can do any harm? You are very cruel thinking of such things… or are you?'

Rolling her eyes, she nailed them at the veteran Marine once again, a somewhat silly expression mixed with a playful smirk curled on her face.

'Are you saying I am dangerous? You are very cruel thinking of such thing! Very unpleasant pervert is thinking indeed…'

Blushing slightly, the Fleet Admiral turned his head away.

'You are speaking nonsense, like always. Please don't interact with the prisoner.'

'Spoilsport…' Angel just puffed her cheek adorable, crossing her arms over her chest like a grumpy child. 'I do it anyway…' she mumbled under her breath.

Sengoku just grunted giving up, until Angel remains put and not interfere, the battle will proceed as planned, or as he thought…

Ace just looked at her with wide eyes; he had no idea who was the strange girl who sat beside him, he never heard anyone named Angel before.

Neither from amongst the pirates nor even the Marines, more less amidst the ranks of bounty hunters.

Maybe she is a rookie just like his brother, perhaps the new lapdog of the Marines, he did not know

But why he was surprised? Being imprisoned deep down in Impel Down for some time, in a dark cell where even light hardly make an appearance, completely isolated from any kind of contact. News rarely found their way to him.

As ace looked back at the battlefield, his eyes widened.

The chance offered itself. Finally, the World Greatest Swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, could measure the power gap between himself and the strongest in the world. This battle hopefully will decide which is superior.

Whitebeard's strength or Mihawk's technique, finally he can sate his curiosity.

'The Seven Warlords finally taking action!' muttered many Marines.

'~Now that's very unusual…~'

'So the reserved Hawkeye ready to fight…' Kizaru and Akainu, the two admirals, commented after each other inspecting the happenings.

'Huh… What's this? You are gonna fight now?' crouching lazily, Doflamingo dusted his boots on his feet.

'I merely wish to measure…' Mihawk squinted his strange, red eyes. 'To see for myself… the true distance between that man and us.'

'They say even the most skilled fighters… are struck by fear and left unable to move, when they see those eyes. The title Hawk-eye suits him well.'

Hancock said, giving a concerned side glance at Mihawk.

Slowly unsheathing his black blade; Yoru, the Greatest Swordsman in the World, prepared himself.

'So that's the legendary black blade…'

'More precisely… Kokotou Yoru. (Black Blade Night).' Tashigi started to sweat, even looking at the dark blade made her shiver.

'One of the Supreme Grade swords, there are only twelve of them in the entire world. Its jet-black blade has an irregular temper line and a double cloven pattern. It is a named blade suitable at the World's greatest swordsman.'

Mihawk swung his weapon lazily, green coloured pressured air left in the wake of his precise movement.

Everyone watched the outcome with big expectation. Some of them with fear, some of them with awe.

On Whitebeard's face his usual perpetual smirk, not even sparing a movement to raise his weapon or even move.

'Oh crap!' 'Run!'

The strike cut through the thick ice and every person who was unlucky to stand in its way. The green wave destroyed everything and everyone in its wake.

Heading towards Whitebeard and the Moby Dick, the venomous pressured air seemed unstoppable!

Only a shadow, a fast man, although from the person's sheer size you may could not distinguish or expect such speed, jumped before the pressured air, coating, transforming his body for some kind of blue material. If Angel saw it right, the material was diamond.

Stopping the attack only a few meters away from the ship, the bulky man and the struggling forces behind the green energy clashed for a few long moments, but after a great growl, the winner was the diamond covered man.

The surrounding atmosphere, even the ground a little bit trembled from the released energies.

'H-He stopped it… The most powerful slash in the World!' muttered many Navy officers in disbelief.

The smoke slowly started to settle, but both the Moby Dick and the person who stopped the attack stand firm.

'That's… the commander of the third division; Diamond Jozu!'

Both Mihawk and Jozu stared each other for long moments; Hawkeye slowly sheathed his blade.

Then… the silence disturbed by Angel. As usual… she can't keep her mouth shut.

'That was cool Mihawk-kun! Although, you can do it better! I give you five point at the effort, seven the technique and six points the force you put behind that swing. Come on! You used more serious strikes against me!'

Eyes are nailing at her, knowing not what she is speaking about. Such attack Mihawk just produced cannot be possibly easily dismissed, yet she talked about it like it was nothing remarkable.

'Nani!' The eyes of many Marine and pirate almost popped out in incredulity.

Mihawk just shrugged. Indeed it was not his full strength. But his goal was to measure, not full-scale combat. Most likely Angel was well aware of that; she just wanted to poke him a little bit more.

Like always, her personality just like that, she liked to tease him even when Mihawk just brushed off her with a grimace.

'If you can do better, do it yourself…' he muttered inaudible, pulling his big hat in his eyes.

'Fuffuffuffuffu … Lively as ever, Angel-chan…' Doflamingo just smirked as angled his head towards her.

'Care to show us your talent then, ah… White Demon Angel? OR I call you? Subject Zero?' the heavenly Jaksha challenged her, giving her a challenging smirk.

In return, twisting her pinkie in her ears, Angel's expression was bored.

'Nah… pass for now. The battle only started a few minutes ago. If I join it will end sooner, I would like it to end. For now, I only observe, there are so many exciting players around.'

Lowering her head, a malicious smirk curled on her face; an invisible devilish aura started to surface around her, making everyone shiver, almost puke from the pure fear and the disgusting nature of her momentary presence.

'Let them play for a little bit, the game only started…'

For a moment, Ace saw, like a wave, her right eye turned to pure red, and her sclera changed colour from white to black. Only for one moment, if he would do not watched her attentively, he might not even recognise the sudden change.

'Outside of that… Sniff… Sengoku-kun asked me nicely not to do anything. He scolded me enough… he was very mean…'

The previous feeling of dread disappeared instantly, replaced by the picture of an innocent kid who wailed in depression after the adult (Sengoku) scolded her.

Every person around her now totally confused, not know where to put her. Fear her or simply think of her as an innocent damsel who arrested by the Marines innocently.

Meantime Kizaru also made his move, jumping high in the air showered the area with his light based attacks.

But as the previous attack, it was also repelled by no one else than the commander of the first division, Marco the Phoenix.

Being the consumer of the Mythical, Zoan type devil fruit that was even rarer than the Logia type, his disrepute quickly grow to a tremendous level.

The fruit not only gives him the ability of a Zoan type fruit but also gained him the qualities of a Pharmacia type superhuman physical abilities.


Like a sound running through the bay, the blare that resembled the one when a wall is crashing under pressure.

Kizaru broke down the wall where he landed after his small clash with Marco.

Quickly regaining his composure materialised himself nearby the broken down construct.

'Admiral Kizaru! You are right?'

Cracking his neck, exercising his ankle, Kizaru was careless as ever.

'~Ohhh… The Whitebeard Pirates indeed all monsters… So scary…~' brushing himself off, Kizaru mused sarcastically.

'Huh… that guy is something…' Angel smiled. 'He seems the one really knows his stuff. Ace-kun…'

'Huh?' Ace turned to her.

'Who is that guy?' Angel pointed at Marco positively. 'That guy who can turn into a blue phoenix. He is an interesting one!'

Looking back at Marco, Ace smiled.

'He is the Commander of the First Division, Marco the Phoenix.'

'Interesting,' placing her index on her lips, she seemed excited. 'I wonder if he likes coffee…'

Looking towards the still calmly relaxing Akainu below them, Angel can't help but needed to ask.

'~Akainu-kun… why are you not fighting? Your colleagues are seeming to have a little bit of a problem down there…'

Brushing off her question, the lava man seemed not bothered by her tone, just replied uncaringly.

'Someone needs to make sure you brats not doing anything stupid… everything is under control.'

He stated like a machine, not even sparing a poor look Angel.

'Now I am really offended, you all really think so lowly of me doing such childish thing?'

She looked around, waiting for the precise answer. Everyone just looked at her dumbfounded, but no one answered.

'Guys! Answer me!'


Reacting to the approaching giant Marines, Jozu tore out a huge ice chunk from the ground, hurling it towards the execution platform.

'I swear, those two are…' standing up, Akainu finally made his move, his voice sounded really annoyed.

Stepping forward he started to complain calmly as the colossal tomb of frozen water still fallen towards his seat.

'They simply went and left their stations. If we are not here…' Akainu's fists started to turn into magma, releasing a blackish, brown smoke.

'… then WHO will protect this area?!'

His arms grow several sizes as they ultimately turned into lava.

'Akainu-san!' shouted one of the Marines.

'Dai Funka! (Great Eruption).'

Heat and cold clashed, struggled for a moment. But in the end, Akainu's magma fist won the match, shattering, evaporating the ice block.

'That enormous ice block… He completely vaporised it!'

Many lower ranked convicts gasped in awe and fear seeing the impossible act. The soldiers and allies of the Navy bolstered their own morale after seeing the heroic action with a loud cheer.


After a momentary wait, the mass of lava erupted, showering the ground with molten death. Destroying one of Whitebeard's ship in a moment.

'These fires are too flashy…' back in the Moby Dick, commented Whitebeard bored, then started to smirk as blocked one of the falling miniature meteors with his weapon.

Extinguishing the smouldering lava entirely by just blowing it out with his breath, leaving a charred rock as an end product at the end of his spear.

'Why don't you go light some candles on a birthday cake, magma-brat?'

Akainu answered with a mocking smile. 'You don't like flashy funerals, Whitebeard?'

'Ohhh! Fireworks!' Angel mesmerised, watched the great rain of fire with an ecstatic look.

The ground started to shook once again and massive steps reverberated through the battlefield.

All Marine and even the surrounding pirate crews gasped seeing the appeared humongous figure.

It was an abnormally-large giant, about as large as two full-grown giants. His skin is yellow-green, and he has orange hair reaching down to his legs, which are quite small in comparison to his ample belly and hairy forearms.

He had tremendous fangs and horns pointing upward, black triangle-like marks just above his eyes, and some stubble on his chin. The giant-giant also wore three skulls on a beaded necklace rather than a belt, but the most notable item among his effects is a gigantic Kasa hat that Ace made for him.

He also sports a black, open indument that looks like a jacket, samurai-like armour plates protecting his chest and back, linked together by chains, and a loincloth with a mimetic pattern on it which looks like the Marine's battleships' hull and which is held up by a fur-lined belt. The humongous creature carried around a gigantic sword fitting his size, with a large blade and a long hilt.

The giant squad of the Marines faced him, one of the tallest giant in existence, Little Oar Jr. His nickname is coming from the fact; he was still shorter than his ancestor.

Gritting their teeth the cold danced around everyone who saw Oars Jr. great height.

'I have never had to look up someone before…' gulped many giants who faced the monster, preparing the inevitable clash.

'Hey, you! I gotta get Ace! So don't get in my way!' the light in his eyes like a zealot, showed his unburdened determination to reach his friend.

'This is as far as you get!' charged one of the humongous humanoids, that was although was half of the size of the yellow-skinned giant, still charged against Oars relentless.

The two massive, cold blade meet, releasing a miniature shockwave after each strike.

However, the giant Vice-Admiral's blade was unable to entirely block the giant cleaver of Oars Jr, making him stumble after each strike. After the fifth hit, snapping his sword, and Oars slicing through his chest with ease.

Vice-Admiral Lacroix fallen, his eyes turned back, only showing the white sclera, spitting blood the ground trembled as the giant Marine has been dropped to the ground.

'Vice-Admiral Lacroix!'

'Uwaaahhh!' Oars shouted triumphant, celebrating his momentary victory over the Marines.

'That Oars… No point in holding him back…'

Whitebeard was angry, not only Oars ran into the battle, he did it in a reckless way that may end up with his ultimate death.

'There is a difference being a hero and throwing your life away!' scolded his subordinate angrily the strongest man.

'Old man, please don't stop me! I wanna save 'im! I wanna save Ace-kun as fast as possible!' pleaded the pious giant.

'I hear ya!'

Newgate wanted to scold Oars more, but looking at his begging expression, he can't bring himself to stop him. Yes, that was him, a weak-hearted old man unable to say no if it comes to his sons.

Unable to stop and save his foolish son from a reckless act, they ended up like this.

'Men! Wipe your asses! Give Oars some support!'

And his call has been answered, every Whitebeard and allied pirates responded with a cheerful roar seeing the approaching Oars Jr, putting even more effort in the support.

'How do we fight a guy this big…?'


After dispatching several more giants and merely putting them in their place with his stone hard fists, Oars continued his way. Taking out everyone who is standing in his way.

'Don't attack individually or he will take you down!'

'Kishishishishi! Come! Quickly now!' with a psychotic expression Moriah leaned forward, taunting Oars with a mad grin. But before he could even act, Kuma or from now on, PX0 stood ahead, for Moriah's surprise.


'Oars!' Ace shouted frightened he started to sweat more and more.

He was a well aware Oars obvious disadvantage against PX0; if it goes on, he will die.

Looking at Angel pleading, he gritted his teeth. 'Please do something!'

Angel just looked at the ground, pulling her visored officer cap in her eyes, saying nothing for a moment.

Kuma's artificial eyes flashed white as his cybernetic, upgraded brain found the most appropriate way to deal with the appeared threat.


Moriah growled furiously; he wanted Oars Jr. body for his own use. He lost the body of Oars' ancestor in the battle against Luffy and his crew; he needed a replacement.

But knowing what will come next, the only thing he could do in the situation is to jump back and wait for an opening.

PX0 raised his hand high in the air, and between his two palms energy started to gather.

White contoured almost invisible energy slowly grows, second after seconds, the silhouette of a bear paw started to surface, growing in size and pressure.

Then, when it reached the height of Oars, the paw rapidly shrink, squeezed into a smaller paw that now could even fit between Kuma's own palms.


PX0 released the tiny paw, and it collided with the yellow-skinned giant's belly.

'Ursus Shock…'

These were the last words those left the Shichibukai's mouth before the paw suddenly expanded. Devouring both Oars and his surroundings, trapping him in a pressure trap that slowly ruined his body and injured him greatly.

It only took a few moments, but the previously unstoppable giant stopped, stumbled, gaped in unbearable pain, as well the ice cracked under his feet, the surrounding Marines thrown far away, wounded.

PX0 indeed became a machine, he cared not about his actions might injure others, he cared not about the consequences, he only cared about his mission. Taking out the most significant threat that stood before him.

The shock ended, but Oars still stood motionless for a few moments longer, only the memories he and Ace shared made him struggle to reach him.

'Oars! That's enough! Stop this!' heartbroken; Ace pleaded his friend to stop, not to throw away his precious life for a person like him.

Moriah was satisfied, now as PX0 made his job a lot easier, he can claim the body of the gravely injured Oars and turn him into a zombie.

Whitebeard looked the whole picture with a disgusted, grim face, seeing how the Marines able to let all of this happen, let their own men sacrificed just to take out one person. Let their own fall just to weaken his forces.

'Now you are open! Whitebeard!'

A giant vice-admiral charging towards the old man, but like an annoying fly, he disposes him with a firm motion. Using his quake powers to knock out the masked giant with one firm punch, shattering the iron mask covered his face.

Coby is terrified, a battle like this… a typical, powerless boy like him have nothing to do here. He doesn't even know what he is doing here.

With trembling knees he started to recede, his speed increasing with each passing moments. Only his blonde friend is halting his moves.

'Coby-kun! If you run away, they will execute you for insubordination!'

His saliva running drown his dried throat, Coby looked back at his friend horrified. But what a weakling like him could do in a battle like this? What a simple person could do in such situation?

How a simple, weakling human like him fight against such monsters?!

Giving a look in the direction of the execution platform, his eye caught on the same person he collided in the bay previously.

'You have a bright future, young one! I see a great untapped potential lying dormant in you… '

Her words still played with his head, confused, frightened the young pink haired Marine, and just now… looking at her, she just stared at the ground. Like she was deeply disappointed by him. Disillusioned by his coward behaviour.

He betrayed her trust; he betrayed the trust both Garp and the most likely high ranked CP agent! He betrayed his own conviction to become a great Marine! He betrayed the promise he made to Luffy! To one day the two of them will face each other as equals.

Different inside and goal, still facing each other as a possible rivalling friends.

He is really trash, he is the worst of the worst, or at least, now, he felt like one.

'Coby! Get your bearings! We are in the middle of the battle!' after a violent shake, the pink head young marine gulped deeply. Nodded with firmed resolve.

'Hay! Thank you Helmeppo-kun!'

Helmeppo just shrugged and started to run towards his station, Coby followed him close behind.

Meanwhile, Oars continued to crawl, using all his remained strength to reach towards Ace, only his will making his broken body move. Reaching towards the captive pirate, one-word repeat.



Like a bird, Doflamingo flew above Oars, using his devil fruit, the Ito Ito no Mi.

Like a scheming spider, he weaved his almost invisible threads and blocked Oars movement under a moment. Making him unable to move, then with a sudden motion cutting his left leg off by using the wires as cutting tools.

Oars stumbled finally losing balance, falling forward, his hot crimson coloured life essence pouring from the open wound.

'Damn Doflamingo! I said I want his body intact! 'Doppelman!'


A shadow formed as a spear, skewing its way through Oars midsection, stopping the advancement of the humongous creature, maybe forever. The pale Moriah made sure the stopping power of his shadow spear will be enough.

Horror, which was the expression written on every Whitebeard pirate's face.

Doflamingo and Moriah smirked satisfied, Kuma and Mihawk gave their usual neutral expression. Hancock scoffed with disgust.

Angel just sighed, contemplating when to end this whole charade, this was not entertaining anymore. The entire battle one-sided, not even funny anymore.

She only held back because it was not her world, it was not her battle, they were not her people.

Her promise not bound here, she promised only one thing, she will help Luffy reach his dream. She promised nothing else, she vowed not how will that goal will be fulfilled, who will live and who will die along the path.

And Luffy was not here, Luffy was in Impel Down not long ago, closing rapidly, and according to the tracing enchantment, she placed in his body. He is alive and kicking, for a moment his life signatures shook, weakened, but he is still alive, close, in the near vicinity, somewhere.

She had nothing to do here; she only accepted Mihawk's challenge and the hospitality of the Marines because she had nothing else to do.

Thinking of it, she is indeed a selfish person; she should search a method to get back his friend, right now. Ainz must be really worried about her sudden absence, and she was sure Albedo already give birth the first heir… and she missed the event out of her unquenchable hunger for curiosity.

She hated herself being a hoggish person; her place should be at home helping her friend manage the kingdom, explore and conquer the surrounding continents.

Developing new methods to better the lives of the people of hers.

But she can't help it; her blood demanded her to be just like that.

Her blood called for adventure; her blood made her to be selfish, to be egocentric, to be a bloodthirsty individual with the urge to deal with the annoyance. The pride what was her races own does not let her act differently.

This was her curse, as well greatest treasure, her legacy… And as the last of her kind, it is her task to upkeep this legacy! Never spreading, knowing the dangers what will happen if more of her kind will appear.

Knowing the lore, she was well aware why her kind has been extinguished in a great war.

A war that no one remembers due how horrific it was, fought by all races of YGGDRASILL only to end the race; Nephalem. She knows too well her race baleful nature to let it spread further.

Doflamingo continues to play, like a puppet master forcing both pirates and the Marines to clash with each other, laughing like a maniac. Spreading his arms looking towards the skies.

'Pirates are evil!? The Marines are righteous!? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history..! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say!? But of course, it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!'

Angel know these words, she familiarized herself with them too well in the past.

This is the way how the Sorcerous Kingdom formed and cemented its rule more than one hundred and fifty years ago. And mostly, this is how Ainz could hold onto his power as a king despite his first, fast changes.

Such as abolishing slavery entirely from countries who are dependent on the industry, or introducing, forcing racial equality everywhere under his domain.

The changes were hard, and not everyone took them well. There was… many causalities under the process.

She remembers, there were times when she needed to end a civil war, executing every rebel forcefully. Killing them slowly and painfully to show, what will happen if they dare to rebel against their rule.

Even high ranking nobles with essential connections, even the innocent children, no one spared she beheaded them all; she impaled them all!

They called her the enforcer, the executioner, the fist, the dog who obeyed every order no matter how horrific they were.

She eradicated whole cities, whole armies, she did horrendous act others might consider unforgivable war crimes. Just to make Ainz look good when he openly ordered her to stop or to reduce the causalities as much as she can.

In this way, Ainz seemed the merciful ruler of the kingdom who fought to compromise; she became the monster, the dog under his command. Only to solidify his rule.

Angel skewed, impaled, eradicated cities, armies who raised arms against Ainz.

But in the stead of every city she destroyed, she spared ten more.

Because men do not fear swords, men fear monsters… like her.

She knows how her story will end one day… she expected it; she was prepared to do what she must.

When the storm will settle, and the people start to look the truth behind the ink, they will demand her head on a silver platter.

That might make the servants, and AInz may not allow, but sooner or later the masses will force Ainz to choose between her and them.

She was sure, Ainz will choose her, even so, throwing away his kingdom for her just not worth.

She does not worth the effort to throw a vast kingdom away for a person like her.

She knows her person too well to allow Ainz do such foolish thing. If she must, she will force him to disown her.

Ainz is a king material fought, learned and grow since they first arrived. She was not… in the best case, she is just a mercenary lived her days to spend her eternal existence somehow, waiting for the end of it.

She felt no dread, no fear anymore… she became an empty hollow shell only the constant presence of her friend, the excitement of adventure and researching things made feel alive.

This is why she searched a way to disappear one day, so Ainz will not have been forced to choose. She or his kingdom. The obvious choice was his kingdom. Maybe under her travels, she will find the others, sending them back to Ainz. Or even find the new meaning of her existence, she hoped both of them come true one day.

On that fateful day, she will say her goodbyes one last time, the fake execution takes place, and she will leave Planet Bob (as she called the New World) forever, leaving no present legacy outside of her created NPC's, maybe they as well accompany her.

Her name will be forever remembered, as the most prominent butcher of the planet… and she was okay with it.

Because there was no other way, someone had to make this sacrifice, and she will be damned to let Ainz do it, he had a family now, people he needed to take care, she was alone… and she already resigned to ever having anything more.

The pirates continue to press on to the bay, trying to keep the path Little Oars Jr. opened up from being closed.


A breaking sound filled the harbour as an icebreaker ship broke into the bay, breaching a new hole in defence of the Marines. Using this new opening, new waves of pirates swarming Marineford.

Angel watched all of this with lightless eyes, nibbling on her Chimichanga slowly.

Suddenly an officer ran near Sengoku to report.

'Fleet Admiral! Sir! The 'Ice Witch' broke into the western part of the bay! New enemy units on sight!'

'I am well aware of that; it does not matter…' Sengoku replied, his tone was completely calm.

'Carry on as discussed, everything has been calculated.'

Taking out his Den-Den Mushi, he calls for Tsuru who was literally hanging out several pirates to dry as if they were laundry.

'Initiate the next step, no survivors…'

All Marine unit receives the order at once, all of them starts to retreat behind the protective walls of the bay, slowly.

This sudden retreating move, of course, did not escape Whitebeard's attention, and even if faintly, he started to glimpse what Sengoku is planning.

'What are you planning now…?'

Several massive steps approached the platform, Angel just looked in the direction of the approaching figure, raising her hand and giving a friendly smile.

'Hey, Pops! I did not see you before!'

Garp completely ignored her, stood beside Ace who in return gasp out of surprise seeing his foster father's grim expression.

Monkey D. Garp's heart was heavy, did not even spare a glance the son of Roger.


'Why have you come here? Do you wish to protest against my plan?' Sengoku questioned his comrade, giving him a strict look.

'No, we are up against pirates. There is no room for sympathy…'


'Be silent!'

'You don't mind, right?' Garp sat down cross-legged on the other side of his 'son'.

'I am just gonna sit here.'

Long moments of silence descended between the two, only the clanking metals of the battlefield can be heard.

'I have no sympathy for criminals…'

The weighty words left the mouth of the retired Vice-Admiral. His heart churned, broken he had to live to see Ace's death.

'… But for my family, I do.'

Angel raised her head, giving a small look at Garp. Her face pictured a gentle smile.

'Wish and may receive… but wishes usually comes with a heavy price…' she whispered, Ace lowered his head, thinking what Garp said, what Angel whispered.

Garp struggled, trying to hold his tears, but in the end, he was unable to do so, the river of tears found its way and stained his wrinkled face.

'What should I do…!? Damn Ace! Why couldn't you live as I told you!?'

Ace started to remember the time when he and Garp faced near the campfire, the time when he was still a young brat.

'Ace, you two are gonna become strong Marines. You got that?'

The sentence left his mouth in the past, now made his elder's heart conflicted, family or duty?

Garp fought with himself what to choose.

'Garp! If you try anything, I will not hold back!' warned him Sengoku.

'Don't worry…' Garp brushed away his tears, giving a sour face.

'If I wanted to do something, I would already do so…'

Sengoku just bows his head in answer, looking back at the battlefield and continues to bark orders.

'Hey, gramps…'

The Vice-Admiral looks at his side, staring the one who addressed him so casually.


'What's your name? If it not a bother telling me?'

'Garp…' he answered. 'Monkey D. Garp…'

Smiling softly, showing a slight bow. She seemed satisfied with the answer.

'Good name, tell… do you know someone called Luffy?'

Ace eyes widened, turning to Angel suddenly, Garp's eyes shadowed with his high brows thinking back at his careless grandson.


'You know Luffy!?' Ace shouted out of surprise.

'You could say that… I am part of his crew…'

Everyone around Angel gasped, hearing the sudden announcement. Garp, Ace even Sengoku raised a brow.

Sakazuki remained put, his cap shadowing his eyes, hands crossed over his chest.

Naturally, he watched, measured critically Angel under the shadows, prepared to behead her with a surprise attack if needed. Drowning her with molten lava if necessary.

She was lucky last time, she was aware of his attack and protected herself back in the lab with some kind of Haki based defence. Once the chance is open, he will eliminate her and the rest of the pirates.

He swore on it!

For a moment, it was like the whitehead adventurer tilted her head in his direction, showed a small smile. Then turned back her conversation.

Sengoku firmed his stance, giving out a threatening presence, prepared to initiate his attack if Angel accidentally turns against them.

'Angel, if you do something…!'

'I promised I would not do anything until something violates our contract… aren't I? And I will always keep my word.' she scowls, looking away slightly sweating, but nonetheless thoroughly calm.

Sengoku just gives her a firm expression, turning back at the battlefield. 'Good…'

'Then why are you here?' asked Garp suddenly. 'Aren't your place in your captain's side? Aren't a crewmember's task to protect his/her captain from the harm and obey the orders?'

Angel give Garp a sharp look, her eyes flashed.

'I did my part when I joined, I promised, I swore on my blood, I will help him reach his dream. Whatever it costs… but doing everything in his stead won't do. That only hinders his growth, which only hinders him become the kind of king he wants to be… No matter how strong I am, I have no right to take away his chance to show how great he can be using his own conviction and willpower! I feel, he is indeed could become a great man in the future…'

Garp sweated, but showed a small smile; Ace gasped hearing Angel's reasoning.

'A subordinate who follows stupid orders without questioning it just as bad as the order itself. A subordinate who hinders the gain of experience of her captain and not willing to keep her promise worse than trash! I don't want to be such person; I let him grow. But growth sometimes painful… he needs struggle, cries and even loses someone important in the way. Because the harder we fall, the higher we rise. The more we struggle, the more our character develops!'

Angel's answer was firm, made even Sengoku's hearth churns, sweating looking warily at the whitehead's shadowed expression that suddenly stirred into a dangerous smirk.

Ace just showed a gentle smile after a long time. Indeed, growth takes time, and change is painful… she was right.

Whitebeard as well not became the great pirate he is now because everything handed on a silver platter to him. He became the great man he is now because he personally did the work, gained followers, inspired them, and not just handed down the task to his crew, but fought in the front lines with them. Shared their joy as well sorrow, treated his people, his sons well.

Even when Ace first joined and tried to assassinate him around a hundred times, he just patted Ace's shoulder and gave him an understanding smile. He treated him like a father supposed to treat his sons, patience, that was the epithet of the man named Edward Newgate.

'And there are several more excellent reasons why I joined…'

Garp raised his brow, looking curiously at the teen looking person.

'One, you can't say no to him. Two you don't want to say no to him… and three…'

An amused smile brightens her face as she looked up to the skies.

'He is an unpredictable variable, a stone that disturbs the calm surface of the water. The wind that will start a great storm. I only hope it will be as amusing as I expect it will be…'

Looking at the skies, she pointed at the appeared ship like a shadow that covered the skies. First, it was just a small blob of darkness, then as it reached closer it grow bigger.

A big crashing roar shook the surrounding.

'Look at there… it already starts!'

Previously on the top of one of the frozen tsunami waves.

Created by the clashing powers of Whitebeard and Aokiji, the rising tides completely frozen. Trapping the Strawhat captain and the Impel Down escapes on the top of an iceberg.

What they should do in such desperate situation you may ask? Well, Luffy as always, had the right solution for the case.

'Come on guys! We need to push down the ship on edge!'

'Do it yourself then!' everyone roared madly, giving the rubber head captain a scary face as they struggled to move the stuck ship out of the way, trying to broke down the ice chunk they currently stationed.

A tall man stepped on Luffy's side, with the height more than two meters and fifty centimetres.

His chest wide, broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs, and a thick neck, these were the words those could describe his body build at best.

His pale skin might first seem untrained, vulnerable to the sun, but the scars those were the signs of a hardened veteran defied the picture of a stuck individual. The most notable wound was the long stitched scar at the bridge of his nose that stretches across his face and a large hook made from a sturdy gold alloy in place of his left hand.

His Nape-length black hair which is kept neatly slicked back looked quite worn, like the last time he washed it happened several weeks ago.

His eyes are deep-set and heavy-lidded, and his thin eyebrows are characteristically drawn upward in the middle. This gave his usual facial expression a feeling of condescension and distrust.

'Strawhat… are you aware most of us will die even if we manage to push down that ship…'

His voice was deep, relaxed, smoking his cigar give him the look of a businessman.

His clothing supported this claim, wearing a disguise that resembled of an Italian mafia boss with a long trench coat with fur lining near his neck and a neatly buttoned vest with uniformed pants.

He was Crocodile, a former Shichibukai imprisoned in Impel Down as well as Luffy.

'Really?' Luffy tilted his head, concentrating heavily, completely confused.


The other criminals around them roared madly, scolding the rubber head captain. It seemed Luffy was not even aware of the possibility of possible death.

'Then how do we get down? We need to save Ace!'

Crocodile looked around, searching a possible way.

'It would be the best to leave while we can…' he stated coldly, taking out his cigar from his mouth for one moment, releasing a gust of smoke.

'Puru-Puru, Puru-Puru, Puru-Puru…' the communication snail purred on the deck, signing it managed to capture a broadcast. Then its face changed, taking the form of the strict Marine who relayed the orders in the open channel.

'Attention to all Marines! Retreat to the plaza! The execution of Portgas D. Ace takes place ahead of schedule! I repeat! The execution of Portgas D. Ace takes place ahead of schedule! Retreat!'

Luffy's eyes widened in horror, looked around, and searched a way to push the ship down as fast he can. He panicked, his heart pounding faster and faster.

'Gear Third!'

Running towards the side of the ship he jumped meanwhile activated his special attack. Biting his fingers and pumping air in his bones, inflating his arm in the process.

Crashing to the ground the ice slightly broken under his sandals and increased weight.

Crocodile just raised his brow and gave him a look that questioned his sanity. Buggy, the clown and the big-headed Ivankov and every present inmate started to panic.

'VLuffy-boy! Stop!' Jumping before his inflated hand, Luffy withholds his fist, deflating it under a moment.

'Ah… Iva-kun?'

The man named Empirio Ivankov was a not everyday man.. woman.. whatever he was..

Most likely this is why Luffy stopped his hand, or because he thought him as a friend after Ivankov helped him escape and saved him from the Prison Warden, Magellan's poison, back in Impel Down.

Ivankov was a giant human with an afro of blue/purple hair and has long eyelashes; he also has a noticeably-odd shaped chin resembling an arrowhead. His afro is large enough to hold people inside it and a small crown settled on the top of it.

He has a Jolly Roger tattooed just below his chest. And despite now he was a man, he dressed in a reddish-purple woman's garments with heavy makeup. Because of his odd look, Ivankov's appearance was somewhat dubious.

As he used to say, no one can forget his appearance, if one ignores he will hold a grudge.

'VLet's be more reasonable for a moment! If you push the ship down, we vill all die!'

'Ace soon will be executed! I need to get there as soon as I can and save him!'

Luffy shouted somewhat desperate, or it was a determination in his eyes? Ivankov know that light, yes, he recognised it when he first saw it!

That's it!

The sudden light that Ivankov spotted in the eyes of Luffy made him remember Dragon.

Luffy had the same will like his father. This light, the will of D! This is why he followed Luffy's father; this was the reason why he helped him to break out despite his somewhat comfortable life back in prison.

Until that, Ivankov only waited the fall of the World Government, that one day his friend will come to him and release his strange kind from the captivity. He had no reason to break out until Luffy's arrival.

But now… and experiencing firsthand the will of Luffy just as strong as his father's, he can't do anything just smirk.

'Vvery well, I will help you va! Everyone, on the ship!' he ordered pointing at the stuck boat, posing as he was really an Okama.

Luffy just crackled a laugh, pushing up his straw hat. 'Shishishishishi! Thanks, Iva-kun!'

Every inmate who still lollygagged around on the ice hopped on the deck and Ivankov prepared his attack.

On every people's face a pale, frightened expression, expecting the worst, sweating heavily. Praying whatever deity they believed, just to survive the crazy idea of the rubber head captain.

After breathing slowly… Ivankov prepared his destructive wink.

'VBe prepared!'

The people on board hold onto any kind of substantial object they can grab, some of them even roped themselves on the ship's mast.

'VeHell Wink!' Ivankov winked, releasing a purple coloured destructive wave from his eye, pushing away the ship. Then quickly jumped in, not to miss the ride.

But… he made a miscalculation, a great miscalculation…

He used too much power that pushed the ship down, not only from the edge, but made it fly in the middle of the bay, turning it upside down.

And this is where we cut back the point where Angel pointed at the skies, smirking.

'Wuahhhhh…!' the falling people shouted out of fright, falling, heavily descending towards the ground with great speed.

Every present people, be it Marine or pirate gasped seeing the hastily descending ship and the helplessly flailing people falling out from it like ants.

'I knew you'd overdo it!' shouted Buggy, berating Ivankov.

'This is all because of his wink!' commented Crocodile uneasily, searching a solid point where he can land.

'Vyou're blaming this on me Croco!?'

'Who cares!? We are gonna die! The sea beneath us frozen solid!'

Just now Luffy realized the silliness and the fault of his plan. Only now, as he and the escaped inmates are fallen most likely in their own death.

'Waaaahhh!' The sudden realisation hit the Strawhat.

'Oh! I made of rubber so that I will be fine!'

'Then you will be the only survivor! We have to do something!' shouted desperate Mr. 3.

'Vi I don't want to die like this! Someone stop us!'

Ivankov even closed his eyes; he was unable to watch how he will splatter on the ground.

Although, from the sheer amount of makeup he usually wore it would be not even surprising that he survives.

The paint on his face most likely neutralises his fall, or his brush like hair absorbs the force behind such decline. His protection against such death was doubled.

'I never should have listened to you, Straw Hat! Dammit!'

Buggy, the clown captain with eyes, turned up pointed his index accusing the point where he suspected Luffy might be.

'Vhy my heart feels it's gonna burst!?'

'Hey, partner? Can't you do anything?'

'How is my wax power gonna help us here?!' Galdino aka Mr 3 answered Buggy's question heavily crying.

'Hahahahahaha!' Angel laughed full-hearted as she clasped her hands together, standing up, applauding her captain's entrance.

'Marvelous! How marvellous entrance! I should not do it better myself! Luffy-kun really knows how to crash a party!'


The ship's impacted by the solid ice, breaking through the thinnest solid surface in the bay, landing upside down, releasing a sturdy roar in its wake. Splashing up a vast amount of water. Out of sheer fortune or Inankov's calculated blink, the ship was still somewhat one piece.


'That's not what I meant! Who is that huge faced guy!' gossiped two Marine suddenly as the surprise sit on their face.

'Vi'd expect no less from the Navy's full force. They are not to be underestimated.' Ivankov measured the clashing Marines and the forces of the Whitebeard alliance.

'Get ready for me, world!' laughing triumphant, Buggy made an appearance.

Crocodile just glared through the crowd.

'Ace, I am here to save you! We are all here to save you!'


Sengoku was furious; he was mad, he was barely able to hold his hand. Gritting his teeth, clenching his fist, angled his head towards Garp sharply.

'Garp! It is your damn family once again!'

'Luffy!' the retired Vice-Admiral just grabbed his head and tried to tear out his grey hair out of anger.

He really loved his grandson, the only thing he hated that he became a pirate instead of a Marine he intended to be. His acts day by day shortened his remaining days.

'Look, this is not only the Straw Hat!'

'Jinbei and even Ivankov from the Revolutionary Army!'

'And behind them the horde from the history's most notorious pirates.'

'They are all Impel Down escapees!'

'The man who everybody talks about… Straw Hat…' Mihawk commented, looking towards first the boy, then Angel for a moment. Waiting curiously for her next step.

'Straw… Hat…!' the zombie-like Moriah almost burst, almost blow up in frothing rage now he had to see his nemesis again, and the one ruined everything he worked for.

'Luffy… I am glad you are safe!' Hancock cooed, looked at Luffy with lustful relevancy, almost melting seeing her beloved one.

'That's one of a hell of the team he brought with himself…'

'~I didn't think I'd be seeing him again so soon…~' commented after each other Aokiji and Kizaru.

'Now we got all the Warlords here, new and old. Fuffuffuffuffu! And that's the troublemaker rookie, Straw Hat?'

'So that's him.. Not only the grandson of the hero Garp, but also the son of the revolutionary Dragon. We will have to eliminate him as well.'

Sakazuki nailed his glare at Luffy, now standing the edge of the bay.

Luffy just stared out of his head as the sun reached a higher position, giving the scene the atmosphere of enlightenment. For a few moments, the young captain only tried to process the fact; he can see his beloved foster brother once again. Then taking a deep breath shouted.


'Lufyy!' in answer Ace shouted as well.

'Hey, Luffy-kun! It's good to see you!' the one who disturbed the scene was Angel abrupt interruption.

'Oh! Angel?! What are you doing here!? Are you all right? The Marines caught you too?!'

Ignoring everything the two of them shouted across the bay.

'Not really! Just Mihawk-kun said I could get food here! They offered me a mountain of food if I remain put!'

'Oh! A mountain of food!? Meat?! SO cool! Do you have some!? I am hungry!'

'You just ate!' his fellow pirates scolded him with a sharp-toothed face.

'No! I ate everything! But I have some chimichanga, want some!?'

With a dumbfounded face, everyone watched as captain and the scientific officer of the crew conversing through a great distance, shouting everything, speaking about food, food and food.

Mihawk just turned away disturbed, pretending he has nothing to do with the whitehead swordsman, pulling his hat in his eyes.

The Knight of the Sea, Jinbe stepped forward. Glaring at Sengoku. In return, Sengoku scoffed.

'Then I can consider your appearance the sign of withdrawal from your position.'

The whale shark Fishman just nodded in confirmation. 'Yes, consider it as such!'

'Tch… Fine then… Angel, the position is yours…'


She clapped, then turned flat faced, staring the Fleet Admiral for long moments.

'What did I won? Do I get the mountain of meat Kizaru-kun promised me when he urged me to leave his office, or it as well as a ruse? Tell me mister or I will be really angry!'

Pointing accusing at Sengoku, Angel gives him a stink eye.

'Guah…' Sengoku's forehead streamed with perspiration; he really needs to speak with Kizaru once it is over.

'No, you don't get meat, maybe we can speak about it once you finally accept the contract and became a Warlord as intended.'

Ace looked at Angel surprised. Totally lost, he had no idea what's going on anymore. Once she says she one of Luffy's people, now Sengoku communicate she is a Warlord.

Whatever was the case, it seemed everyone wants a piece from her.

'A-Are you a Warlord!?' Ace almost shouted out of his surprise. Angel just give him a lazy look.

'Hmph… Sengoku-kun says I am. I don't remember I ever agreed to be one. I am just a dagnabit adventurer… nothing more…' murmuring she looked back at the battlefield sour-faced, mumbling under her nose.

'Wanna eat?' she asked suddenly. 'It would be a shame leaving you to starve. After all, what would Luffy-kun say?'

Smiling Ace nodded. 'I accept some… but as you see. My hands are kinda busy. Can you release me?'

'Don't dare…' Sengoku hissed.

'Sorry…' Angel chuckled. 'Taking away the award after his hard work would be pretty selfish, don't you think? Ace-kun?'

'Huh… I had to try, but you really think he can get here? He will die… Help him at least. Please, I beg you!'

Streams of tears started to pour from Ace's eyes once more, looking towards the ground.

'If you really care about him, don't let him die!'

His tearful plead suffocated, his mouth stuffed by a fried taco suddenly amidst his mumble.

'Hmmph…' Ace tried to speak full mouthed, swallowing down the food suddenly, and glaring at Angel with tear-drenched eyes.

'Have a little faith, Ace-kun… look, it's already started.' pointing in the direction of Whitebeard, Angel just smiled.

Luffy after chatting a few words with Whitebeard who give her and Ace a measuring look, the rubber brained captain bolted forward through the Marines.

'~Sengoku-kun… Can I kill the invaders?~'

Sengoku suddenly gives a small look at Angel who caressed her chin in concentration, looked back at Sengoku and shook her head slightly.

'Remember, remember, the fifth of November…From now on, remember, remember our pact about the contact with high-level players… if one side can play, the other side will bully too.'

That meant if Kizaru or any other Admiral will act, meddle with the battle directly, attacking anyone else than the high ranked officers of the enemy or even Whitebeard himself.

Angel will move against them.

Considering the situation, her help may need in the future. He needed to keep her reins.

As she said, she will not act against the Marines and even willing to help them out if her simple requests will be fulfilled.

And being she was not a Shichibukai, officially, Sengoku can't even force her to oblige her duty as one and attack the pirates.

Gritting his teeth, the Fleet Admiral can't believe it, with one verbal joke back in Mariejois, she gave him a checkmate and took out the most critical tools from his hands.

Back then, he only agreed with this because he thought she was joking and it was one of her childish, nonsense that she babbled about. She spoke many more things. Some kind of rules that she set and agreed to work alongside that. Unfortunately, at that time he was quite busy to listen to all that nonsense, folly babble that the crazy damsel spoke about.

Garp, Ace as well every other Marine around watched her gaping.

This, no one, this unknown person only appeared around a month or less, officially..

Yet, under that short time, she managed to disarm the most powerful men in the world, keeping him under pressure using her mere words and the imaginary rules she set.

Giving a smirk to Ace under her cap, Angel continued with a joke.

'Don't forget Ace-kun, imagination and belief is the most powerful force in the world. Believe in Luffy-kun…'

Now Ace's expression turned warm, angled back his head to Luffy. 'Thank you…'

Kizaru still waited for the command, Aokiji stood on the side of the harbour.

'Khh… Only attack the officers. Don't attack the small fry directly… retreat if necessary…'

'~Oh! Troublesome… I try not to squish them then…~'

Turning into pure light, Kizaru teleported away, continued his battle.

Meanwhile near the Moby Dick, Captain Buggy made his encouraging speech.

'Right away! He is the centre of the attention!' murmured one of the innate watching how Luffy wreaks havoc amongst the Marines.

'Captain Buggy! We can't let him outshine us!'

'Let's take Whitebeard's head already!'

'Very well, my friends! Let's do it! Gyahahahaha!' Buggy tried to look courageous, but deep inside he shook out of pure fear.

'But still, what's up with this crazy battlefield? The Marines as well the pirates here all world-renowned! It'd be better if I just lay low here…'

'Hey! Red-Nose!' a deep voice called for Buggy, who in return furiously turned around started to bark angrily.

'Who are you calling Red-Nose, you bastard?! You wanna die or something!?'

The words already left his mouth; it was already too late to realise who he is speaking to.

'Uwaaa!?' Whitebeard!?'

Similar to a girl, Buggy's voice took up a much higher pitched tone.

'I thought I had seen you before; you are that brat who was on Roger's ship, aren't' you? That sure takes me back… so you are still alive?'

Buggy trembled, barely holding back his tears, he felt the incredible pressure that Whitebeard released.

'Oh! Crap! He spotted me; I am gonna die!'

'Whi-Whitebeard… the great Whitebeard… Talked to the Captain, so amazing.'

'You are really a legendary pirate!'

Like blushing maidens, the previous ravaging inmates took up a humble, shy posture, praising Buggy for his nonexistent achievements.

Buggy almost spat out the milk through his nose hearing how his crew made everything worse using only a few words and praise.

'Don't act so impressed! You will catch the same hell as me!'

'Judging from all the prisoners you brought along, I suppose you came to my head?'

'Yeah that's right!' the former prisoners shouted at once, holding their weapons high. The clown pirate captain just begged them to stop, deep inside.

'Opsss…I guess that's the Captain's line…'

'Tell him what we are gonna do!'

'Crap! Now it's all or nothing!'

'Sure! Long time no see, huh? Now prepare yourself!'

'Clap! Clap! Clap!'


The crowd behind Buggy applauded and cheered for clown captain's false courage. He grows to be some kind of mythical figure, a hero in their eyes.

'There is a limit how far you can take this!' MR 3 gaped, can't believe Buggy still acting and the fact after all of this, even alive.

'Really, now? I don't mind if you wanna take my head, but what are you gonna do afterwards?' Questioned them the strongest man.

'The Navy's forces are far too big for you to handle. Actually, they are a bit too much me too. My hands full there. So you wanna join up with me, and we will take out the Navy as fellow pirates? You can take my head after that.'

'Hang on a second! How much respect Whitebeard have for you?!'

'It is like they are equals!'

It seemed, the simple act of courtesy from the side of Whitebeard was enough for the inmates to raise Buggy in new, impossible height. Like blushing fangirls, their face was intoxicated.

'I don't think he'd refer his equal as a brat!'

'It is reckless of you to try to fight the Navy! Do you think we can win!?'

Mr Three openly criticised his partner for his reckless announcement. The two of them barely escaped from Impel Down; he had no intentions to die here, thank you very much!

'Well, if I get serious… yeah…'

Joker's face… that's the best you can describe Buggy's current expression.

Widely smirking, his eyes slightly squinted, sweat pouring heavily on his forehead. Giving the false illusion of confidence. Galdino knows that expression too well; it means the coming catastrophe will pull him as well.

'What happened his common sense!?'


'Oh! I got goosebumps…' cheered many black and white stripped clothes wearing criminals.

'I am starting to feel like I can do it! I can see it now! Buggy, King of the World!'

Buggy tried to force false courage in his veins, and for a moment he felt, maybe he can do it!

'Hmm… If the two of us join forces, we can crush the Navy…'


'They are out of their mind! Could they be denser?!'

The Waxman lost his balance for a second, barely able to hold his ground auditing Buggy's words.

In the other side of the battlefield, Angel stood up from her resting place, doing a few exercises.

'Maan! I am numbed, I need a good walk… this battle bore me more and more…'

Turning to Sengoku, she showed him a heavenly smile.

'Sengoku-kun, if you, please be so dear and watch over Ace-kun for me… I would be thrilled.'

'Just what are you planning, Angel?'

Sengoku did not like that look; he did not like at all this game that Angel is playing with them since she appeared literally out of nowhere and blown a big hole in Marineford.

'Oh! What are you thinking, grumpy bits!? I am going to a walk as said. Take care, Ace-kun! Don't die on me. Use your chance if you get it… die if you are not fast enough… don't forget, salvation only comes for those who are willing to act and grab the chance!'

Winking at him, Ace felt like something in his clutched hands, something that was not there before. For texture, it was some kind of metal. Technically some sort of key or lockpick.

He only smiled deftly, showing his happiness in this stage, urged himself not to blow Angel's possible plan to help him.

Turning one last time to Sengoku, she stated what she had to, maybe one last time.

'Although, area of effects attacks is permitted, Sengoku-kun.'

Stretching out her tongue playfully one last time, winking, Angel jumped down from the execution stage, landing softly like an agile cat.

The surrounding Marines give a wide opening to her, backing from her like she was some kind of plague.

Her stroll was calm, steady, murmuring a strange lullaby under her nose all along. In a language no one understood.

'Beterarium Deus. '
(O ancient god.)
'Mons dormio Deus,'
(O mount-slumbering god,)
'Renuntio decerto terra agminatim.'
(Declaring war on the earthly army.)
'Nobis spiritus!'
(Our spirits!)

Stopping near the camera, the crew immediately flinched, seeing the notorious White Demon, Angel smiling at them. They might think she would kill them on the spot, but she only waved to the camera.

As she wanted to proceed, one of the present war correspondents who mediated the whole war from first hand, ran to her. Gathering her courage and pushed a microphone to Angel's face.

'Wh-White Demon Angel! Care to answer a few questions?'

Angel just turned back, behind the timid, almost trembling journalist, the other members of the crew already hid. Shaking scolded the brunette journalist girl for her recklessness.

'Of course! Go on! I answer the best of my ability. But please don't shake, journalists supposed to be collected. By the way, who finds out these titles… they are really lame… ah… most likely the brass, they really need to hire a talented girlie or boyo to figure out these things.'

After her momentary lamenting, Angel winked at the brunette, the girl in return collected herself and nodded. Instructing her crew to turn the camera towards them.

'Ye-yes… hmm… This is Karla Kolumna; war correspondent live on life from Marineford, where the war between the Yonko Whitebeard and the World Government is at its peak. Our today guest is the pirate who may appear not long ago, but under that short time managed to reach the impressive bounty of four hundred and twenty million bellies.'

'Hey pops! Hey all! Hey Ainz-san!' Angel waved to the camera careless.

Somewhere, a greying, veteran pirate smiled with satisfaction as mixed more juice, watching the mediation with great interest. Trying to figure out in along with everyone else, who the hell is that mysterious Ainz-san is?

'Angel-san, according to the news you are one of the most notorious members of the new generation. Gaining fame under short time, and according to the spreading news, under less than a month even gaining a smaller fan base amongst the Marines, who are watching your every move. What do you think about this?'


Angel sighed little annoyed but showed no trace of it. Instead, a bitter smile settled on her face. Thinking some of the members of the other side might do that 'thing' for her picture.

Something important announced in the background by Sengoku, but she disregarded it, contemplating the unpleasant truth of the fan club. She continued.

'That's really nice. Although, I am not a pirate.'

'Then what do you think of yourself? You admittedly hit the Tenryūbito, not once but twice! Ruined Marineford since your last departure, seised the boat of theirs and heavily hindered the work of the Marines back in Sabaody Archipelago, openly attacking an admiral, conspiring with rogue elements. Endangering civilians, I don't know what you call it, but this thing worth at least several death sentences..'

Angel just disregarded all of the accusation with a weak, amused, but nonetheless, nervous chuckle as she adorably covered her mouth in a feminine way.

'Good times…' she wondered gazing away into the distance, then turning back to the reporter.

'Answering your question, Karla-chan, I am an adventurer, of course! I seek to explore and have a good time, seeking no conflict with the Marines.'

Showing a V sign for the camera, she smirked, winking. Making many people sway and sprout blood from their noses. The kids showed their sympathy pointing at her and saying she is funny innocently.

'I assure you, it was all a misunderstanding between the World Government and me. I acted harshly in Sabaody Archipelago because Kizaru-kun violated our deal.'

'What deal?'

'Unfortunately, I have no permission to speak about it, neither the mood. If you are curious, ask the Admiralty.

'About the nobles I hit. Unfortunately, their dear dad was unable to educate them properly how to treat people who they gain their so-called tribute as equals.'

After making several quotation marks with her fingers, she continued the implied mediation of the truth.

'Someone needed to beat some sense in those bratty space suited idiots, knock them down from their non-existent high ground. Those morons really irked me. They wanted to enslave me; I hope you understand Karla-chan, I don't like slavery, even less being a slave, even less if inbreed weaklings act like they were superior than the rest. I can't stand such people. If they try it again if they dare to treat people bad…I destroy… no… I dismantle them. Atom by atom, molecule by molecule. Doing so in the most painful way… Slavery is bad, McKay?'

She pointed into the lens of the camera, giving a funny face.

'A-Angel-san! How could you say such thing!? Are you serious!? Aren't you afraid they kill you!?'

Angel smiled carelessly and only nodded. 'I don't care; they can always try!'

The crew behind the camera argued to cut the feed or not; the Celestial Dragons will be not happy hearing Angel's honest opinion about them and the death threat she just announced. Everyone who saw the feed gulped and the cool ran through them hearing the carelessly hinted death threat and her brushing off attitude hearing the news of her coming death.

'They gain their paygrade from the people, without people, they are nothing. Remember that… the government represent the will of the masses, not the will of the few. I thought it goes without saying…'

Then her expression turned sour.

'If not the Navy molesting me because they don't like that I am running around and simply being awesome… Then screw them! They are really spoilsport… Almost all of them a stuck, bitter head who can't even get a joke… bleehhh…'

Sticking out her tongue she openly expressed her opinion, about the Navy and how the World Government works.

The viewers were amused Angel's lightheaded, friendly attitude that gained her even more followers.

But the Gorosei and higher ranked individuals of the World Government, such as the Celestial Dragons and Nobles were utterly furious.

Being Angel just kidnapped the signal one of the camera that supposed to give them live feed, made fun of the whole execution, not speaking about tried to enlighten the watchers in a subtle way about the fault of the system.

'Speaking about the Navy… How it is possible an infamous person like you walking around in the presence of no others than the three admirals and Fleet Admiral Sengoku himself?'

'Oh! We are buddies!' she smirked.

Forming a gun with her fingers and shooting towards the fleet admiral who just barked his orders ignoring her. He most likely already gained a few unneeded calls from no other than Kong himself to cut the feed immediately.

'That means the World Government asked you to be one of the Royal Shichibukai?'

'Well, Karla-chan, I can neither confirm nor deny the possibility. Sengoku-kun would be really furious if I tell you anything and you know very well how grumpy he can be when he is angry.'

Like a joking child, Angel mimicked the angry Fleet Admiral's speech pattern, imitated how he moves and actions. Making many people laugh behind the screens and radios.

'Right, if you don't mind me to asks. What do you think about the execution of Portgas D. Ace? Are you allying yourself with the Yonko Whitebeard or the World Government?'

'Hmmm… I managed to chat with Ace-kun a little bit, and he seemed to be a nice guy. As for who I am allying myself? For now, I am on my own side. I set the rules already, who violates them that's will be my next target. Don't forget; I don't have enemies. Holding grudges bad for the business.'

'So you not only have a political preference but business vein as well. Impressive…'

'Ara! Ara!' she abruptly stopped Karla raising her finger. 'I hate politics, let's state that…'

Suddenly a big roar reverberated through the environment like a cutting sound cut something hard.

Whistling Angel smirked. 'It seems, Mihawk-kun really did this time…'

Pushing higher her, cap she looked in the direction of Hawk-eye next mishap.

'Whaaa! That iceberg will squish us!' shouted the cameraman.

Giving one last peace sign to the cam, Angel said her goodbye to the watchers.

'Be good kids, always eat your vegetables! Stay with us in the next episode of 'Angel and her buddies!'

Turning Around she leapt high, facing the rapidly falling iceberg.

'[Dark Slayer Style: Ratio Ictus]!'

For a moment, for the fracture of a second, her body encased in a sectioned, scorching dark armour in devilish design. Then returned to her original white uniformed form.

Under that moment, her strike was so fast; the camera can't even record as her hand blurred for a moment. The colossal ice chunk seemed to freeze in the air, stopping its fall for several long seconds as she landed softly on the frozen ground.

Several flashes ran through the spatial space and the objects; those remained in the air for long moments, freezing the mountain-sized ice block in the air.

Slowly sheathing away her blade. Slowly closing the distance between Yamato's Tsuba (handguard) and Koiguchi (scabbard mouth). She continued her strange lullaby.

'Amatum floris campus, oblivisror fremitus, '
'(Flower of love on the wild, forgotten trembling,)'
'verecundum sonitus. '
'(Rhythm of shyness.)'

'Deus obliverat, ratio aeternus '
(O forgetful god, eternal reason)
'Bapulo pluvit, asper ventus,'
(Strikes the rain, fiddle with wind,

The sword's mouth and the handguard finally meet.

'hir passus dona renuntio.'
(Before abandons its movement.)


'Krieeeghhh! Boom!'

Like many rough surfaces sliding on each other, the space started to distort and push to the side. Like the very spatial existence cut in many little pieces, Angel's attack not only cuts the frozen ice, but the very space behind it felt the attack.

Immediately after this, the whole chunk exploded into pieces, the very spatial and temporal energies that held the vast ice chunk that Mihawk sliced away tore itself into pieces.

Everyone stopped, everyone looked the only act Angel, until now, did under the whole war. But this one exact attack shook everyone to the core.

'What the hell was that!? Uwaaa!' Buggy and Mr. 3 panicked, running around as the still sparkling, falling snow created a miniature Christmas like snowfall.

'~Ohhh… Scary eyes really did this time…~'

Aokiji and Akainu just watched the whole scene wordless, sweating, and disturbed.

Sengoku clenched his fist and ordered the feed to cut, through the communication snail.

Every Shichibukai's eyes widened, be it past or present, such attack cannot be ignored.

Even the always perpetual smirk of Doflamingo seemed to turn a panicked frown as the primordial energies started to leak from the spatial injury on the skies.

Mihawk just sighed and lowered his head, thinking about he was indeed fortunate she did not use that specific attack against him when they fought.

Even with Yoru, he was not sure he would be able to block it. He still felt the force behind that attack, and it somewhat terrified him, made him sweat heavily.

Vista, the commander of the fifth division of the Whitebeard pirates, shook by the attack, until now, he thought facing Mihawk the end of the line for a swordsman like him. Now looking at him watching intrigued the whole thing, he can't do anything just gulp nervously and sweat heavily.

Even Whitebeard's eyes widened for a moment, and he was not sure. The slowly drifting then restoring skies and space behind the attack indeed was real or the machination of some kind of illusion.

The whole foundation of Marineford and the waters around it shook and dilated as the force tried to find their own place around the world. The attack could be even palpable from Mariejois and Sabaody Archipelago.

'Whoaaa! What's was that!' Luffy shouted panicked, trying to regain his balance not far from Mihawk, who until Vista's sudden arrival chased him.

Under the slowly restoring fabric, Angel walked towards Luffy.

'Yo! Luffy-kun! Long time no see!'

'Angel! What are you doing here?' Running to her, Luffy was all smiles.

Looking around intrigued, her smile never faltered. But after giving one more look at the confused Luffy, she can't do anything else just chuckle.

'Well, as I said. Mihawk-kun and I landed on an uncharted island. Short story long, blame Mihawk-kun… We crashed Mariejois because of him. After landing, Sengoku-kun was nice enough to give me some coffee and offered me a mountain of food if I remain put. Unfortunately, I still searching my promised food, so I decided to look for it… by the way, do you see my coffee supply somewhere? I am starting to see things.. I am weakening…'

Slumping on the ground, pushing her butt towards the skies, she mumbled incomprehensively for a few moments, her lack of caffeine consumption in the past hour stats to catches up with her.

'Somebody give me coffee.. I am gonna die… gruahh…!' she groaned, breathing out her last breath.

'Angel! Don't die!' Luffy shook her wildly.

Stopping shaking her for a moment, somehow, from a secret pocket Angel fetched a mug of steaming drink and drank it all.

'Ahh. Much better!' an ecstatic feeling settled on her face as changed her position to a cross-legged one.

Luffy for a moment looked at her worried, but after seeing her relieved expression, he as well sighed in alleviation.

'Sorry, I am addicted.'

'Shishishishi! No problem! Can you help me rescue Ace?' he asked suddenly, his whole body bruised, many cuts covered him.

'Hmm… who is Ace to you?'

'My brother!' Luffy obliges immediately.

'Then why not… although, I made a promise to Sengoku-kun to not to disturb the execution directly, although…' she smirked. 'Accidents happens every time. Do they?'

Luffy smirked and nodded hastily. 'Shishishishishi! Yes!'

Hancock almost fainted, seeing Luffy speaking with that another woman in the distance.

Her jealously fired up once again.

'Uh! Luffy-kun how can you cheat on me…' The Empress of Amazon Lilly made a dramatic pose. Then her face twisted in rage.

'I will kill that bitch!' trampling towards Luffy she used her high speed to reach Angel under a mere moment and kick her, which Angel blocked by merely raising her forearm.

'Hancock! What are you doing!?'

Luffy shouted with her out of his sudden rage, Hancock attacked his friend and new crew member. Now, he doesn't know what to think about the woman anymore.

'Lu-Luffy-kun…' backing the woman was horrified, thinking about Luffy might think less of her.

'Ara! Ara! What are you doing? Attacking others just like that just a mean thing!'

Retorted Angel, to Hancock's surprise, her arm not petrified under a moment. Instead, it was completely fine. Spotless, the usual petrifying marks missing.

'She is a friend! Why did you attack her?!' Luffy barked once again hitting the ground with his leg.

'I-I thought she wants to seduce you…' Hancock murmured shy.

'Oh! I see…' Angel snickered smugly. 'You are a lucky man! Not many would manage to seduce such a beauty. Great catch buddy!'

Giving him a double thumbs up with a perverse grin, Luffy was still wholly clueless what she is speaking about.

'Ahh… What are you speaking about…?' he tilted his head confused. Hancock just blushed, turning her away in a girlie way.

That's Luffy for you, no matter the place or the situation, his simple-mindedness cannot be numbered. Hancock just flustered, turning her gaze with disbelief at Angel.

Her astonishment and Luffy clueless lamenting disturbed by a great rumbling coming from the end of the frozen bay.

From a distance, the outline of several towering figures appeared behind the thick fog of the battle. The smoke pellet cut by yellow lasers causing great havoc amongst the pirates, aiming mostly the pirates.

'Ah! Old man! The pirates should be driven in the bay for now!'

Complained Sentomaru as more than twenty Pacifista appeared behind his back, stepping out from the fog.

Raising his communication snail, he called his boss.

'Puru-Puru, Puru-Puru, Puru-Puru!'


'Hey Uncle! It is not how we planned it! You were supposed to surround the pirates in the bay before we got here, but they are scattered all over the place!'

The pirates who heard the conversation looked at Whitebeard with mistrust, so this is why he ordered them to scatter instead of advance at once. He figured out the plan of the Navy even before the battle really started.

First, they intentionally leaked their plans to execute Ace ahead of schedule so that they will panic. After that, the enemy would slowly pull back, drawing the pirates into the bay after them.

At the point, the human weapons would block their retreat, and they'd be trapped. That was the rough idea behind the plan, so bad; it did not work as it intended.

'Oh… crafty…'

Angel crackled. Being she is the High General of the Sorcerous Kingdom's armies, she had her fair share of experience when it comes to planning and implementation.

Hancock and Luffy looked at her wide-eyed.

'What do you mean?' the Empress of Amazon Lily asked curiously.

'I expected something similar might happen, but I would never expect Sengoku-kun would be so crafty. The mouse and the cheese… So bad the tactic not always works. At least, it is not really effective against enemies whose works under different banners and represent different ideas,'

Sipping her coffee she continued.

'…Moreover, against such undisciplined force as the pirates usually used to be. Against them, the tactic of inner conflict is much more effective… wolf feed on the wolf is a more reasonable tactical move in the current case. Although, seeing Whitebeard already expected Sengoku-kun's move and managed to find a common goal for all of this different people, scattering all of them through the battlefield, yet unifying them for a common goal before the battle really started… it might be as useless as the cheese tactic.' explained Angel wisely still sitting.

'Cheese? Wolf? Is that some kind of food?' asked Luffy clueless, tilting his head, crossing his hands over his chest.

Hancock scoffed. 'And how do you know such things? Don't say you are some kind of glorified general…'

Putting down her steaming coffee, Angel sighed heavily.

'I don't like speaking about the past. Let's just say; I experienced my fair share of battle and planning session to know. The plan might could still work…'

'Ah… what are you speaking about Angel?' asked Luffy flabbergasted. In Hancock's mind, the puzzle slowly started to piece together.

'What do you think? What are we all sitting into? Consider your environment, consider the shape of the bay, and consider the last opening just closed, stuffed with supersoldiers, who appeared just now…'

Angel pointed in the direction of Sentomaru and his unit, wreaking havoc.

'Completely surrounded by an impenetrable ice wall, stuck between the Marines, the admirals, the Schichibukai and Kuma clones. Add all of this together, plus multiply it with the disadvantage of fighting from the lower elevation. Under your feet easily meltable ice… what happens if the ice melt, what happens if Akainu-kun starts throwing around his magma fists? Not speaking of the Navy's advantage that comes from fighting on the home ground. They can easily snipe down everyone from up there; they could easily set up more surprise, or simply… Boom!'

She threw her hands high in the air.

'Isolated, surrounded, overwhelmed, outgunned, the chances of survival is slim… slimmer if you are a Devil Fruit user and can't get out from the water before you sink… fighting on the unsteady ground.'

Hancock gasped, looked at Luffy fearfully, urged herself to send him somewhere safe.

'Like shooting fish in a barrel. The stronger pirates might survive a huge explosion in the middle of the frozen pond, but without the mass of the lower ranked ones, they will be overwhelmed easily by the Admirals and the sheer force of the present Navy. They will be forced to fight surrounded and exhaust themselves. No survivors… the Marines slowly kill or capture everyone, one by one… it only matter of time.'

Luffy grasping the situation turned to Whitebeard suddenly. 'We need to warn the old man!'

'Don't worry; I think he already expected it, just proceed as intended, save your brother. I do my best to help you out. Unfortunately, because of my promise to Sengoku-kun, I can't help you directly until they violate their own promise.'

Luffy nodded smiling. 'Thanks…' He really wanted to ask more about that promise, but he suspected Angel has the right reason to do what she is doing. He is willing to trust his crewmember. That kind of man he was.

He merely raced towards the execution platform. Hancock looked after her love worried, wanted to grab after him. But a gloved hand landing on her shoulder stopped her advancement.

'Trust him…' that was the only sentence left Angel's mouth, and Hancock obliged to believe in Luffy.

Meanwhile, Sentomaru and Kizaur conversed:

'~Ohh… we have some complications… we may make a slight miscalculation…~' answered Kizaru lazily.

'Tch… I should know.' mumbled the sumo warrior.

'Continue with the plan at all cost!' orders Sengoku, joining in the line.

'Attack any stragglers those could reach the plaza!'

Looking around with an unpleasant expression, Sentomaru already realised, if the Pacifista attacks, they will inevitably hit their own units as well.

'Old man! We can't initiate the plan without sinking a few of our battleships as well. It is okay to destroy some of them?'

'~Of course, just try not to destroy too much. Those things are kinda expensive…~'

The answer comes immediately using the yellow Admiral's usual lazy tone.

'Attack! Initiate the plan! Drive them in, Pacifista!' Sentomaru gave the order, and Vegapunk's cyborg soldiers started to charge their yellow lasers.

Havoc ensued, both on the side of the retreating Marines and the pirates who started to scatter even more.

One pirate even managed to reach close enough to hit one of the black-clothed Kuma clones, but his club shattered into pieces as it touched the unit's hard body, in return the Pacifista unit killed the attacker with his yellow laser immediately.

The laser scorched, exploded, and demolished everything it contacted. The unlucky died immediately, the lucky just blown away by the aftershock.

Whitebeard looked around with disgust, inspecting the great destruction befallen on the battlefield. Seeing how the Navy even willing to sacrifice their own forces to slow him down.

Before the screens, the watchers in Sabaody are awestruck by how invincible the Pacifista are; however before they can see much more, all but one video feed are cut.

'As soon Ace is executed, the pirates must be wiped out at once!' ordered Sengoku.

'What about Angel?' asked one of his subordinate?

Lowering his cap, Sengoku made a hard decision. 'Use the prototype as soon as I order… don't act without my permission…'

Vegapunk will not be pleased.

Forcing out from his hand, using the only existing raw copy of the weapon the genius scientist started to develop by using the data Caesar collected under his half years of wasted effort and using the DNA that Angel left behind in the contamination cell…

The project that aimed towards the development of a weapon, which may able stop her or any Yonko level individual without heavily damaging the environment.

The design barely started, it was hardly out from the drawing board, yet, it showed great potential.

Sengoku does not want to use that horrific creation, and according to Vegapunk it is highly unstable, and it might turn against them at this stage of development. It was not ready for the field test; it was hardly more than a clobbered together wreck according to the scientist.

Yet, Sengoku had no other choice; if Angel turns against them, he'd be no other choice just to use a 'monster' against a monster. Fight fire with fire.

He, of course, had no apparent thought what was that 'thing', he only know…

Even Vegapunk was worried to use it, protested vehemently against its usage before the Gorosei forced the thing out from his hands.

'Did you managed to cut all the feed?'

Sengoku sweated heavily as inspected the battlefield from his high elevation.

'Yes, Fleet Admiral, with one expectation we cut them all.'

'What's with that last one? Answer me!'

'The crew kidnapped by a group of inmates, we currently trying to get a hold of the situation but the resistance of the escapees are heavy, we need reinforcements.'

Bucking with his head towards Aokiji, the user of the Hie Hie no Mi nodded back and made his cool way to freeze the interfering pirates.

On Sabaody, the crowd is complaining, seeing Buggy's self-flattery instead of the battle.

'Boo! Show us the battle!'

'No! Show us either Angel or Hancock! We want to see hot chicks!'

'Yeah! Give us back Angel-chan!'

'No one interested seeing a stupid clown! Show us those Kuma clones!' shouted another one.

The many unimpressed, complaining voice joined one noisy, chaotic tone that complained before the screens.

Back in Marineford, on the Moby Dick, a pale man appeared near Whitebeard. Although he may be tall compared to other people, he was still dwarfed by Whitebeard towering height.

The man wore a spider design on his forehead which has a spiral at the bottom, with a diagonally-placed headband that attaches to it. His clothes consisted a dark grey, long coat with ruffled edges over a similar designed, lighter-coloured shirt, and dark pants that almost reach his armpits, with some buckles and strings on the front, tucked inside boots, and with ruffled, lighter-coloured edges as well.


Whitebeard immediately noticed the deep voice one of his 'son', giving him an appreciating look.

'Squard! I am glad that you are alive!'

'Yeah, barely…' the man, named Squard carried a vast, black scabbarded katana, in length twice of his height, on his side.

'I see. I was calling for you a while ago. How is it at the bayhead now?'

'Your allies were beaten badly.' Despite the losses, his tone sounded unfazed. 'I made here because I found the way luckily.'

'Sengoku has no mercy. He used all the forces he has in order to defeat us.'

'Pops, did you noticed what the Navy was up to?'

'I have known Sengoku for a long time…'

An explosion resounded in the distance, destroying another battleship and with it causing many causalities.

'I see.'

'It is better for us if they are gonna attack us from the rear.' Whitebeard hit the ground slowly with the button of his bisento.

'I am gonna forward too! We gotta invade without sopping!'

'I agree…'

Just now, Marco recognised as an unknown figure standing near Whitebeard.

At least, from the far, it seemed an unknown figure. After looking him a few long moments, the pineapple head division commander recognised Squard.

'Squard… what he is doing up here?' Marco mumbled confusedly.

'There are 43 allied captains here, and we are all in your debt beyond words!'

Stated Squard standing firmly near the Yonko. Slowly unsheathing his blade, staring it like he is planning something malicious.

'We risk our lives for the Whitebeard Pirates!'

'Thank you. But we are…'

'I know. You are fighting to save the member of your family. The pirate Whitebeard, won't give up on his family. Everybody followed you this hell because you are that kind of person!'

Battle Of Marineford Casualties


Saying nothing, Whitebeard just beamed in pride, from his face a prideful smile shone.

'I wish that…' Squard slowly let fall his scabbard. '…were also. Members of your family.'

The case just reached the hard wooden floor of Moby Dick, but Squard flashed before Whitebeard, pushing his long blade into his foster father's chest, piercing it through his body.

All around, everyone reacted differently.

Most of the people frozen in surprise and horror. The Admirals, Mihawk and Kuma stood unfazed. Moriah and Doflamingo smirked in satisfaction. Hancock was merely surprised. And Angel…

Angel somewhat expected a betrayal might happen under the battle; she was betrayed before after all.

She knows deception is the part of every significant battle plan. As expected, Sengoku used the wolf eat wolves tactic, found an opening on the unwavering fabric of Whitebeard's men, then used the deceptive movement to strike down the king on the chess board with one major move.

Although, she suspected such weak attack might not be enough to kill the old man. It is enough to shake the resolve of the surrounding pirates.

Usually, if the commander, the headpiece fall in a battle, or lose credibility, the chances of winning the clash will be marginally reduced.

Unless, the still living or the humiliated, injured commander find a way to raise the morale once again…

Keeping the morale is crucial under battle. A smaller group with higher morale amidst right environmental conditions most likely won the campaign than a horde of demoralised lackeys who's just lost their commander.

This is how you fight against an overwhelmingly superior force. You break them, sabotage their food and water supply, making their living conditions a pure hell. Defeating them even before the battle starts.

There are two teachings according to the Art of War that really benefits from the current situation…

'All warfare is based on deception.' and ' In the midst of chaos, there is an opportunity.'

Angel knows the teachings too, she knows them too well.

She and Ainz used them to break their oppositions before. Annihilating, terrifying, humiliating, and disarming the enemy in such margin that was never able to raise arms against them. Never dare to raise arms against them, never want to raise with a few foolish exception.

She listened attentively how Squard explains Whitebeard's so-called bargain with Sengoku. The deal that states the Pacifista only attacks the Allied Pirate forces, not Whitebeard's owns.

And it indeed happened in that way, or at least it seemed at first, the human cyborgs only shoot their rays towards the forces those allied themselves with the Yonko Whitebeard. In truth, they aimed that way just now, later that might change.

Everyone on the ground questioned it is true or not, for long moments, the Yonko not even answered.

But when he did…

His answer made Angel impressed… instead of killing Squard right away, he embraced him. Like a father his son.

'Fuffuffuffuffu! I see you as well joined the party, Angel-chan. I must say, you showed us a spectacular show back then..'

'Ah… Flamingo-kun. I did not really join; I just strolled around when that nasty iceberg cut in my path. Mere coincidence, I assure you…'

'There are too many coincidences around you, Angel-chan…' stated the Heavenly Jaksha amused.

'Hehehe… What can I say, I am a trouble magnet!'

With a little bit embarrassed, Angel scratched her head, Flamingo just looked at her appreciating, nodding a few times.

'What do you think? How long until Whitebeard falls?'

The whitehead swordsman just sipped her coffee. Mihawk slowly approached the small group.

'I think, he had enough craft to pull this through. Although, I am not sure. The war is far from over, and I don't have experience with either side to predict things. If you ask me, now, both sides have enough meaningful figures standing on the board to end the war with one decisive strike. Who will win will decided in the next minutes? But who knows, miracles happen all the time… I think both sides had a few more surprises in their sleeves. So, I don't really know…'

'And who will you help… if you allow me to ask?' interjected Mihawk suddenly.

'Ah! Mihawk-kun! That was some swords work slicing that big chunk of ice! I applaud your effort!'

Mihawk merely nodded in acceptance, accepting the honest praise.

Naturally, his curiosity boiled to inquired further about the space destroying slice Angel used back then. But asking her about it before the others were too embarrassing, as well his pride would never survive such fall of disgrace.

And he was sure; the others would never understand if the two of them starts to converse about the way of the sword in a more severe way.

'Well, I help Luffy-kun if the time comes, although. Because my promise it is a really troublesome. And also…'

Turning towards Whitebeard who released the second wave of quake hitting and cracking the air, breaking through the thick ice that surrounds the ford. Opening a way to his forces.

Offering a dualistic choice to them…

'I am only one man with one heart..Call me a demon, call me a monster..but I can't be the strongest forever..! If you still want to charge with me! Then come! If you chose to leave, please do so! No one will stop you! Leave, survive, and prosper! Carry your legacy! A man should choose how he wishes to live and how he wishes to die!'

After hearing the weighty words of the old man, most of the convicts raised their weapons high in the air, cheering.


Their moral renewed, the momentary shake disappeared immediately, with a few exception all charged towards the execution platform.

'To see the world…' Angel chuckled.

Standing up, she stated her reasons, started to walk towards the strolling Whitebeard who curiously watched the object of interest slowly walking towards him. Preparing himself for the clash with the maiden who most likely rival even his own strength.

One minute of walk and the two-person meet in the midst of the frozen wastes of Marineford.

A barely one hundred and fifty centimetres tall white uniformed girl and the veteran Yonko who towered way above her, the two strongest meet in the middle of the frozen battlefield littered with corpses.

The man closest to the One Piece just glared at her menacing, she smirked back without fear, giving a toothy grin. Before Whitebeard could even act, Angel made her daring opening.

'Hey! I am Angel! It is nice to meet you Whitebeard-kun! Can I get an autograph?'

Whitebeard just looked down at her, slightly flabbergasted. Unable to process the sudden turn of face that Angel showed. Then beamed his smile at her.

'You have guts, brat. Gurararara!'

Whitebeard laughed facing the 'brat'. (who in truth at least two times older than him)

'Tell, what do you fight for?'

Two cannon balls are flying towards the duo. Merely showing towards his fist, the quake that Whitebeard released reversed the direction of the iron balls of death, destroying two cannons dared to disturb his chat, injuring several Marines.

'My reason you ask… Kukuku… let's say; I have a promise I intended to keep. And put it that…'

The girl teased the man mysteriously.

'Fair enough…' the Yonko bowed his head in respect.

'Care to accompany an old man for a walk? Then we can speak.'

Twisting herself forward, Angel started to walk forward. 'Okay… the senior leading the way!'

Like a cheerful kid, she started to march forward, leaving Whitebeard in disbelief.

'Come, Whitey-kun, or you might grow old!'

The elder pirate frowned hearing the tease, joined Angel as several giants, Navy soldier charged towards the strange duo.

The event that changed the outlook for the New Age, maybe forever, took place here and now.

Past and present clashes as the Yonko Whitebeard show his real power.

The World will shake as Angel show her wrath after the betrayal.

Every Marine, every pirate watches as the war comes to its turning point.

Sengoku and the Admirals at full alert.

Will the Fleet Admiral willing to use the mysterious weapon, or he will be afraid to use it against the beast?

Does not matter…

The puzzle is slowly piecing itself together… no one and nothing can stop it anymore!

The walk of the literal and the actual monster already started!

How the Old Age ends and the new will begins? You will see next time!

From the next chapter:
Ura e Deus nos, inter caelum tonitrus,
(O the god is angered, thunder resounds in the sky,)
Biolatum corpus, Guerra Lessatum!
(My limbs will be crushed for ceasing the war!)
Utur diabolum ulbis, gehennalis terrarius,
(Head to the devil's realm, terra of Gehenna,)

Amor! Oblitus hic me, Desperatio!
(Beloved, forgets me with despair!)'

In periculum novum caelum imminent! (A new threat threatens the heavens)

De equitatu sunt pervenit! (The cavalry has been arrived!)


Well, that's for now!

Sorry for the late update,

I am kinda busy nowadays with my exams breathing on my neck and my works seem to pile up more and more.. :S

But here I am now.

First I thought I can compress the whole war arc into one chapter, but I failed :S Sorry, degozaru!

I try to end it in the next chapter but I promise nothing.

Until that, safe winds and have a nice day! :)


A/N: Hey, guys! This is my first One Piece story and I just wanted to stop by to say that I hope you guys like it. I'm kind of testing the waters so this is a trial chapter to see if I could continue it or not. So please favorite and follow just to let me know and shoot me a little review.

I am only playing in the One Piece bathtub.

Chapter One: The Battle of Marineford

Blood. So much blood. As the battle had come closer to the platform, the sound of it splattering through the air and across the cement had become more apparent. It was horrid. For the rest of Mata Hara's life, she would be able to smell it on her skin, the thick, salty scent infusing into the strands of her hair. The air was so thick with it that for a moment or two the ebony haired girl thought that the fog that had started to roll from the melting ice was thickened with the death and slaughter like a contagion that had even reached the wind.

Lightly, a breeze whipped down the high walls of the headquarters. Mata had trailed her fingers along the rock so many times in her long life inside the Marines that the tips of her fingers had grown tough with callouses. The walls of Marineford shook. Impregnable, they had said. Now they were crumbling beneath the combined assault of a million pirate ships and a few giants. And even due to the Navy themselves.

In their haste, some had bombed the sides, canon fire denting the exterior. But nothing came close to the destruction that the giant Oars had caused.

'HEY!' Sengoku screamed, his fingers tensing into tight balls as the Marine's below. Over the tall walls of Marineford, Mata picked out the final, desperate charge of the pirates. Her eyes narrowed, the unnatural green of the irises flashing as she stared across the body flooded area. Wavy, obsidian black hair rolled down to her chest, dancing in the wind. What few of the younger, less battle hardened officers was that the aura's of the pirates making their way toward the fallen giant was far from final. It was near bewildering the the emerald eyed girl. They were beat down, bleeding - their numbers cut in half and their main mission set so far in enemy lines that reaching him would be impossible. 'What's wrong?! It should be activated!'

Down below, the Marine lacky below fumbled, others clustering desperately around the fallen body of Oars. 'I-I'm afraid that the wall can't lift the giant body of Oars!'

Kneeling before Mata, the ebony haired boy shift, his shackles grating across the metal bolts and paneling, his head lifting a bit to stare tensely out at the scene before him. Mata's eyes narrowed into slits, the guns at her hips and in her shoulder holsters glinting in the pale light. Although she didn't like to admit it, she had grown some..sympathies for the men and women bombarding Marineford.

Portgas D. Ace had a big mouth on him and Mata Hara had been his constant companion after the breakout of former warlord Jinbe and his move to Impel Down. Under orders of Sengoku and the other admirals she had been assigned to him as an extra layer of protection. Mata had no illusions on the reasons. She was a deadshot and in the delicate features of her face there was a serenity that belied her inner thoughts. Her shorter frame and appearance of disinterest had earned her quick rank increases and missions that few others would receive. Because the only thing that truly stood out about her was the unsettling color of her eyes, Mata Hara was able to blend very easily into crowds and corridors. And over the years she had used that to her full advantage.

At that very moment, what Mata Hara was thinking was that the death of Oars was more than a little unsettling. It made her heart itch in ways that she found extremely irritating. And even more annoying to her was the fact that one Portgas D. Ace was crying, his shoulders rolling in silent wails and his spine bent as he sunk forward. If it weren't for the shackles, drawing his shoulder blades at a painfully stiff angle that anchored him back he would fall forward. A muscle in Mata's face twitched, her lips thinning as her eyes flicked over the bruises that danced around his spine and kissed his ribs. He was filthy, dirt caking his skin, collecting in the curve of his collarbone and along the defined ridges of his abs and ribs.

For a bit, they had starved him. Then taken away his water so that the food they shoved through his grate was inedible. He had lost over 20 pounds and his skin had been so raw from the boiling vat that he had been thrown in the first day had made the rough brick walls and ground that he had to sleep on unbearable.

It was the first time in 19 years since she had been left on the doorsteps of the Navy with only a name that she had come face to face with the cruelty that the Marine's held inside their walls.

'Th-they're dying.' Emerald eyes flicked over to stare at the chained boy, his eyes wide as sweat and tears tracked through the dirt coloring his skin. On his other side, Old Man Garp shifted. Sengoku refused to see the signs. Mata wasn't so diluted. The Old Man was so close to breaking that she could smell it in the air.

A winced tsk hissed from Sengoku, his arms crossing tightly over his chest. 'Hara!'

The ebony haired girl shifted, the bullet holders crossing her chest shifting into place over the bandages that bound her breasts and waist, the material thick and constraining. It was very easy to tell what type of fighter she was. Worn leather holders stacked with bullets looped across her torso, banding her arms and thighs and hanging lowly around her waist. A sharpshooter, her haki had been given to her at birth.

Slowly, like a dog that was suddenly remembering that it had a master, her head lowered. 'Yes, Fleet Admiral?'

Mata easily caught the sniper rifle tossed at her, shock running through her as her grip adjusted easily around the weapon.

'Shoot anyone that comes over the giant.' Unfamiliar pain lashed through ebony as she stared at the imposing figure of Sengoku.

Mata had been mentored by all the admirals. Each of them had given her small nuggets of advice and training. They had let her fight with them until she couldn't move, her body feeling like a discarded glove covered in sweat. And then they had laughed, helping her to her feet and leading her to the mess hall. She had admired them. When had that changed?

'Food call!' Mata's eyes flicked up from the rifle that she was cleaning, her lips thinning as she saw the usual marine hauling in the usual slop. He gave her a smile and a nod as he neared her spot, weapons and cleaning supplies sprawled around her as she sat crossed legged by the imposing door. Secretly, none of the other marines could fathom why the utterly ordinary, small girl was guarding the infamous pirate. What they didn't know was that more than keeping him in, she was there to keep all rescuers out. The slamming the bolt back into place, the click reverberating off the thick, cement walls.

When had their jokes become unbearable?

The butt of her riffle slammed into place, barring the grate as the marine ducked down to slide it through. His brown eyes widened, brows furrowing in confusion. Mata stared at her for a moment, her expression deceptively impassive but her eyes blazing angrily.

'Where's the water?' Slowly, a crooked smile curled the man's lips.

'Haven't you heard? Your prisoner's trying to watch his figure. Water diet.'

Mata's lips curled back in a sneer at the joke, her eyes flashing dangerously as the man stuttered into silence, the laughter leaving his lips slowly.

'Funny.' Her voice suggested anything but. 'Tell the rest of the marine's that Portgas D. Ace will get full portions and water. The only one that has to look at his girlish figure is me.'

The man forced a laugh, glancing around nervously. 'Ah, come on, Mattie. Loosen up. We gotta make the pirate look his best for his big day.'

Something angry and painful roared inside the ebony haired girl like a beast suddenly waking to scrape it's talons along her guts. The tip of her riffle was against the man's temple so quickly that her movements blurred together, leaving both of them in shock at the unexpected motion.

'Listen well, lunch lady,' she hissed, her words matching the arctic winds of Drum Island. Her empty hand held the barring riffle in place. 'If you try to fuck with my prisoner again without my permission then the only thing that will be loose are your brains from your skull. Do you hear me?'

His adam's apple bobbed, sweat dribbling down his chin, splattering the floor. He didn't need to say anything. The look in his eyes was enough. Disgusted, Mata shoved him away with the butt of her riffle.

'Bring back the proper amount of food and water,' she snapped, her attention already back on dismantling the series of weapons in front of her.

Behind the heavily barred door, Mata's ears picked up on the shuffle of shackles and muffled groans.

'Finally growing a heart?' The ebony haired girl's lips curled downward, the heel of her palm slamming the magazine on a pistol into place with such force that her teeth jarred together.

'I made Old Man Garp a promise,' she whispered, not caring that her words might be lost. It was true. Before she had been shoved into this deep, dank hole with Ace, her old mentor had made her swear to him on her honor as a Marine.

'To only let them mummify me a little?'

'Both of us,' a deep voice that she recognized as her other prisoner, Jinbe griped. 'Mummify both of us. I've had the fortune to be trapped with the most hated man in the prison.'

'You're such a downer,' Ace complained and Mata heard the sound of someone kicking another. 'Shut up.'

In side her cell, she heard the sound of scuffling and jangling chains. Mata's movements were swift as she loaded a revolver and shot a warning bullet at the wall, hitting a crack in the corner of one of the bricks. Blowing away some of the smoke, she reloaded it.

The noise had stopped.

Her tongue worked around words as she stared down at her weapons, her face pulled tight in disatisfaction. 'To defend his insolent fool of a grandson. As he so elegantly put it.'

There was a rasping snort that ended in hacking coughs. 'Uh. Yeah. That sounds like him. That old, pruney, bastard.'

Mata resisted the urge to snort, trying to hold back the reflexive reaction. Garp's grandson was funny. It was hard to dislike funny people who you saw get beat up on a daily basis. Kind of made them seem like dumb dogs with sadistic owners.

Irritated, she slammed the magazine into another pistol, taking quick aim at a crack in the wall and firing. Silence roughened the air as Mata focused down at the task at hand.

'Hey. Have I told you about my little brother?'

'Dear lord, not again,' Jinbe whispered in obvious agony.

Portgas D. Ace and his big, stupid mouth. This was why Mata Hara felt like a she was about to throw up.

But there was only one answer in the Marines.

'Yes, sir.' Rolling up the sleeves of her Navy coat, she slipped past Ace and took careful aim, adjusting the sights and unclipping a sniper magazine from a clip filled with them at her hip.

'Mata - Mata, you don't have to -' Ace's words fumbled off as emerald eyes met and held his. The problem with being in front of one of Garp's grandson was the fact that all they needed to do was look into a person's eyes. They could see everything if they caught you.

And what Ace saw was everything that Mata Hara had been pressing down inside of herself for the last few years. The doubt. The fear. And the mind numbing reality that at any moment she would shoot one of his friends. Maybe she would even shoot Luffy.

'His face is kind of stupid. But in a really likable way. Ya know?'

Mata slammed her head back against the cement wall, squeezing her eyes shut. 'Do you usually talk this much?'

'He does,' Jinbe rumbled.

'Why? Do you like it?' Inside the cell, she heard shackles jingling as Ace slipped forward, ignoring his companion. 'You like it don't you? Marco told me I had a nice voice.'

'I've heard better.'

'Ouch,' Jinbe murmured.

'Aw, that was mean.' Mata rolled her eyes, fiddling with the bullets at her waist. For a moment, everything was silent. 'I miss him, ya know?'

The ebony haired girl blinked, glancing at the prison door from the corner of her eyes. 'Marco?'

'My brother. Brothers. Both of them. Not Marco.' It was a foreign sentiment to Mata. 'They were stupid. And useless most of the time… But they were mine. I'm the only one that would protect them. Ya know?'

Mata stared at thin cracks spidering from one of her bullet holes. Her lips parts and then closed. She had been a Marine from birth. No one had ever taught her about family. And protecting other people seemed like rather a lot. A nuisance. Full lips curled down. A set back.

'No. I don't.'

'Ah,' Ace sighed after a moment of silence. 'That's sad, Navy Girl. You've never wanted to protect something?'

Mata's mind spun, her stomach tensing. Herself. On missions she had wanted to protect herself.

'I - I -' She stopped, going silent.

Ace was silent as well, even his shackles going quiet. 'Luffy. That's his name - my brother. He's a crybaby. If he was here … Ah, that doesn't matter. Why are you making me talk about this, Navy Girl?'

'Mata.' She said suddenly, not even thinking about it before it was out.


'My name's Mata.'

There was a chuckle. 'Nice to meet you Navy Girl Mata. Portgas D. Ace at your service and under your command.'

Mata's lips curled wryly, her head turning so that her cheek pressed against the brick.

Mata tore her eyes from Ace's, turning back to the horror of Marineford. Oozy molten lava rained from the sky, Akainu's fist's extended to the sky as ice melted and heated to boiling water. Shrill screams pierced the air and the muscles of Mata's arms tensed as the canon's circling the wall went off. The pirates were trapped in a funnel of death, like sheep being herded to the sheers. Ace's friends, Mata thought bitterly, wincing. His silly, sloppy baby brother. His smooth, slow crew mate. His captain. The captain that had taken him in. Cared for him.

Mata hissed out a curse, slamming the sniper rifle into the wood of the deck and drawing the attention of Sengoku.

'Cramp,' she muttered out, turning her eyes away. Mata wasn't an ordinary Marine. She wasn't way out in the field where she could tear off her Marine coat and start attacking her own people. Why was she even thinking about this? Angrily, she raised her sniper and slipped a finger along it's side whispering out a ragged, 'Track.'

The first pirate that came around the bend saw her, ducking back to hide. Mata smiled writing and fired, watching as her bullet flew threw the air and then swerve and the body of the pirate fell face first into a puddle of his own blood. She took down ten others in rapid succession.

It all happened with a great roar of rubble. Oars was alive, his eyes unfocused but his body moving like a puppet that had some of its strings cut. And a dark haired boy with red shorts and an oversized yellow shirt was flying over the wall and landing with a boom in front of the admirals. Mata's teeth sunk into her tongue as she lowered her rifle.

'Luffy…' Ace whispered out from behind her and she resisted the urge to turn around and see him. It wasn't a simple name. It was his fucking bible. It was a silent prayer for salvation and also protection.

They didn't look anything alike. A crudely stitched scar crescented Luffy's wide, innocent eyes where Ace's eyes were narrowed and critical. Ace's skin was dotted with freckles where Luffy's was completely unblemished. Ace was built like a leopard, Luffy a kitten. Curly, flopping hair versus spiked, unruly strands. They were completely different.

But their smiles were the same. The laugh lines were their around their mouths and eyes.

Why were they executing them like this?

'Warrant Officer Hara!' Mata's nose twitched, her head tipping toward the rumbled voice of Sengoku. 'You are to protect this platform until Portgas D. Ace is executed. He is still under your charge. Are we clear?'

Out of the corner of her eyes, Mata saw Old Man Garp twitch and Ace draw in a shaky breath.

Mata's lips thinned dangerously, the unsettling emerald depths of her eyes sparkling and glinting with obvious defiance. It was a long tense moment as the girl stared up at her admiral. Sengoku had trained her before. Maybe the more appropriate words would be that he had thrown her around for an hour or two once or twice a months, giving her helpful pointers while she was mid-air.

'Yes, sir,' she finally whispered, her eyes catching on the green-clad executioners, the dull light of Marineford catching on the long blades of their weapons.

'A paddle boat, sir!' One of the marine's below near the canon's shouted. 'It's coming at us at full speed!'

'What?!' Sengoku screamed. He had started out so cool and composed. Slowly and surely, that mask had been chipped away.

'Sink it like the Moby Dick!' Canon's went off - so many that the wood beneath Mata's feet shook with the blasts but the paddleboat kept going. Right toward Oars.

'No! Not the boat! Shoot at Oars!' Sengoku roared.

It was too late. With a roar, the giant grabbed hold of the boat, pulling it out of the water and right into the home territory of the Marine's.

'They got us,' Old Man Garp murmured and Mata quickly threw her sniper over her shoulder and went to the far corner in front of Sengoku. 'There was only a space the size of a rathole.'

'They're accustomed to that way of thinking,' Mata sneered, taking aim and shooting down as many pirates as she had bullets before she was snapping out the magazine and clipping in another.

'Don't be mean because you're conflicted, Mattie.' Emerald eyes snapped to stare back at Ace. He gave her a wane smile. 'Kinda hard to keep thinking of us like rodents, am I right?'

'Shut up,' Mata snarled, taking aim again. 'If you don't, I'll shoot you myself. And I never miss.'

'I'm a foot away from you so it would be kind of sad if you did.'

Explosions shook the platform and a boom loosened the pillars holding it upright. Cursing, Mata grappled with the wood as her feet slid toward the edge.

Oars was dead.

The yard fell eerily silent and behind her, she heard the ragged intake of breath. 'Oars…'


Mata's breath froze in her throat, the fingers grasping her sniper growing clammy. The legends didn't do him justice. He was bigger than life, with calculating tawny colored eyes and a chest marred with scars and bruises. He didn't look his age. His shoulders were too straight and his head held to high.

With one massive swing of his blade, all the marine's around him flew back, dust clouding Mata's vision and forcing ragged coughs to tear from her throat.

The only ones left standing were the admirals.

'Th-that's the man that you told me about?' Mata suddenly whispered, her eyes wide in an unusual expression of awed fear. 'Your pops?'

'Yeah,' Ace finally rasped out after a moment and Mata was ashamed to see tears pooling in his eyes. 'That's my pops.'

A bundle of blue fire was heading toward them at an alarming rate. Gritting her teeth, she reached for the revolvers at her thighs. She really didn't need to. With one leap and a sucker punch to the face, blue fire guy was plummeting back to earth and Old Man Garp was at his seat in the lines of admirals. Mata stared. He was choosing the Marines over Ace.

Something nasty and dark tore at her chest, clawing viciously at her heart. That wasn't right. This whole thing wasn't right.

Behind her, she heard the piercing whistle of the wind as the twin blades of the executioner cut through the air. Mata swallowed, a roar tearing through the air.

Why did she feel so sick and weak? She turned, her muscles thumping under her skin as if she was working through honey. He wasn't bad. Why did he have to have such a big mouth?


Mata's head throbbed, her eyes rolling as her legs gave way.

She was falling.

Please review and follow/favorite if you want to see more! I don't usually post chapters unless I see an interest in what I'm writing.